Question: Good afternoon Doctor,I have big problems with - TopicsExpress


Question: Good afternoon Doctor,I have big problems with coxofemoral joint, which is partially destroyed. The only solution would be hip prosthesis, but I can not do that. In fact , I have been suffering since I was 8, but now it got worse. Over time I kept a very strict diet and I managed to keep everything under control until about six years ago. The specialist who directed me passed away and right now there isnt anyone I can talk to. If you could help me even a little bit, I would be so grateful. I have heard about you incidentally, while I was listening to a show where the Romanian actor Mircea Diaconu, gave you as an example in a certain context. Then I searched for you on Internet./ Am mari probleme cu articulatia coxo-femurala, care este partial distrusa. Singura solutie ar fi proteza de sold, dar eu nu pot sa fac asta. De fapt sufar de la 8 ani, dar acum totul s-a agravat. De-a lungul timpului am tinut un regim deosebit de strict si am reusit sa tin totul sub control pana acum vreo 6 ani . Cel care m-a indrumat a murit si eu nu mai am cui sa ma adresez. Daca m-ati putea ajuta macar putin v-as fi nespus de recunoscatoare. Am aflat de dumneavoastra , intamplator, ascultand o emisiune la care era prezent actorul Mircea Diaconu, care v-a dat exemplu intr-un anume context. Apoi v-am cautat pe Internet. Answer @ Dr. Cristian Rachitan, ND: I suggest you should take some regenerating cartilage medicins, 1500mg Glucosamine, Chondroitin 1200mg daily for a period of 3 months. These are natural extracts. Also, I suggest you should do some stretching exercises of the muscles that support the hip - yoga type./ Va sugerez sa luati niste regeneratoare de cartilagiu, Glucosamine 1500mg; Chondroitin 1200mg zilnic pentru o perioada de 3 luni. Acestea sunt niste extrase naturale. De asemenea, va sugerez sa faceti niste exercitii de intindere a muschilor care sustin soldul - tip yoga.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 16:45:46 +0000

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