Question: I am SO torn about this situation. We have two little - TopicsExpress


Question: I am SO torn about this situation. We have two little neighbor girls ages 5 & 9 and from what weve gathered they dont have a very good home life. They have zero supervision and wander the neighborhood (and surrounding neighborhoods) all day, everyday. They walk into peoples houses uninvited and when I have let Tatym play with them they talk about inappropriate things and the amount of lies that come out of the youngests mouth are just crazy. I dont like the negative influence they have on Tatym but at the same time Im torn because I know home is really crappy and I would love to be a positive influence in their lives but its just so draining because I feel like I have to be hovering over them like a hawk to make sure theyre not trying to talk Tatym into doing bad things or talking about things we dont talk about and I dont have that kind of time to do watch them so closely. I havent really allowed Tatym to play with them for a few weeks now but I still feel so bad for them. Advice please!!!! Its so hard! I want to be a good influence but not at the risk of Tatym!
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 03:37:57 +0000

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