Question: I would like to ask, if possible, to get an appointment - TopicsExpress


Question: I would like to ask, if possible, to get an appointment when you come to Bucharest in October. I am 32 and there have been 2 years since I discovered spine problems. Initially, neck pain and MRI showed a herniated disc, cervical kyphosis and some protrusions. I have received help from an osteopath and in February this year, I have had 10 sessions. In April this year I have started experiencing strong back pain and hollow like in the lumbar vertebrae 2-3, tingling and numbness in the legs. Only when I am walking I feel ok. I have done an MRI and there are several protrusions and lordosis. I am getting worse, and I do not even know what to do, the doctor says I should have a surgery, and I feel like half of myself is cut. I am crying and cannot believe that Ill never be the person I used to be. I would give anything to recover or even avoid surgery, I am having great confidence in your advice and guidance. I have made changes regarding food, I do not eat animal products of any kind, and I am trying to eat as alkaline as possible and more vegetables. However, I do not feel well. Please.... if I can schedule an appointment with you when you come in October in Bucharest. / As dori sa va rog, daca se poate,sa obtin o programare la un consult la Dvs atunci cand veniti in Bucuresti,in luna octombrie. Am 32 de ani, iar de 2 ani am descoperit probleme la coloana vertebrala. La inceput, dureri cervicale si RMN-ul a constatat o hernie de disc, cifoza cervicala si cateva protuzii. Am apelat la un osteopat si in luna februarie 2014 am urmat 10 sedinte, iar in luna aprilie au inceput dureri lombare puternice si o scobitura parca in zona a 2-3 vertebre lombare, furnicaturi in picioare si amorteli. Doar cand merg ma simt mai bine.Am facut RMN si sunt mai multe protuzii si lordoza.Ma simt din ce in ce mai rau, nici nu mai stiu ce sa fac, medicul spune ca nu e de operat, iar eu simt parca ma taie in jumatete. Plang si nu pot sa cred ca nu voi mai fi niciodata omul care eram inainte. As da orice sa ma insanatosesc sau macar sa evit operatia, am mare incredere in sfaturile si indrumarile Dvs.Am facut schimbari si in alimentatie, nu mai mananc produse animale de niciun fel, incerc cat mai alcalin si mai vegetal.Cu toate astea, nu ma simt bine. Va rog din toata inima daca se poate sa ma programati la un consult la Dvs cand veti veni in luna octombrie la Bucuresti. Answer @ Cristian Rachitan: I do not know if I arrive in October in Bucharest, but if you describe me your symptoms, I might be able to give you some advice. From what you have said, I think vegetarian diet is not necessarily helpful. You should avoid wearing high heels and in particular I suggest you should try not to let stress affect you. It seems that a large part of your problem is a lumbar muscle tension generated or exacerbated by stress. / Nu stiu daca o sa ajung in octombrie in Bucuresti, dar daca imi descrieti simptomatologia, poate reusesc sa va dau niste sfaturi utile. Din cele spuse de dumneavoastra, cred ca dieta vegetariana nu va este neaparat de folos. Evitati sa purtati tocuri iar in mod special, va sugerez sa incercati sa nu va lasati prada stresului. Se pare ca o mare parte din problema dumneavoastra este o tensiune musculara a zonei lombare generata sau amplificata de stres.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 15:16:57 +0000

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