Question Of The Day Q. I am so frustrated with God, I have - TopicsExpress


Question Of The Day Q. I am so frustrated with God, I have been praying for years now, and so have my family and friends, to save my marriage. Now my husband is moving out, he is done, and I stand here helpless. I pray for God to intervene, but He just will not. Nothing. Where is God? He is able to move mountains, He can do anything he wants, and if he loves me, why does he not answer my prayers? I know it is his will we dont divorce so why is he not stopping this? Why is he not helping me? A. In Romans 8:28 Paul said God is working all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. I dont know anything about where you and your husband stand with God or what led to this crisis in your marriage. But I do know something about Gods promises, and that is they all come true. You dont know whats ahead for you, but God does, and whether it involves the restoration of your marriage or not you have to stand in faith that He is working things together for your good. By the way, while its true that God can do anything, that doesnt mean that He will. For example, He wont force us to love Him, or to ask Him for salvation, or to submit to His will. That means He wont force your husband to stay in your marriage. God is not the problem here. You should ask Him to forgive you for being upset with Him. The enemy loves it when we blame God for things that are not His fault and will use our frustration to cause a rift in our relationship with Him. We can prevent that by confessing our sins to God and allowing Him to purify us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). And we can trust Him to make good on His promises
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 15:00:00 +0000

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