Question. Scotland has never voted Tory since 1951 and yet has had - TopicsExpress


Question. Scotland has never voted Tory since 1951 and yet has had 30 odd years of Tory rule from Westminster since then. If there is a no vote what is going to change in the long run? Has Labour got the cahones to radically shift back to old values? Not with people like Lamont, Murphy and Darling.These politicians have lost credibility and Darling with his finger in private health company pies is the worst. Can the No voters tell me what can be done to ensure a change? If you want grassroots politics as a vehicle for change, then just look at the Yes campaign and its enthusiasm, creativity, positivity and good humour. Where is that exemplified in the No camp? Even the most unbiased observers note the fear and negativity of BT campaign, culminating in an advert that has gone viral around the world, as demeaning to women and an insult to the intelligence. So where are the young Labour activists and politicians who will need to manage a change if a no vote happens? I suggest they are sitting quietly, dismayed by the actions of their so called elders, afraid to raise their voice as they know the Labour elite will crush them. The UK is broken politically and there is no one who is going to fix that, while the status quo remains. Radical change is needed. If you think the UK is not broken then ask why this referendum is happening, why UKIP is on the rise and why is there demand from rest of UK that we pull out of EU? Why was our fishing fleet dismantled, why are Scottish farmers at the botttom of the EU list for subsidy and support, why are trillions being spent on transport projects down south, why is there a Labour party that sides with Tories on vile benefit cuts, why are banks are still not lending despite incentives, why have mortgage lenders created products that virtually no one qualifies for? Why is Tony Blair still not answering for his deception, why is Gordon Brown still smiling when he recklessly gave away UK gold reserves and bailed out banks without caveats? Answer lies in Westminster, class based networks and the successive governments of all colours that have ruled us. Change is needed!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 07:34:07 +0000

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