Question: Some people have healing powers. They can cure other - TopicsExpress


Question: Some people have healing powers. They can cure other people. Maharishi: Yes. Question: Are these suggestive powers the strength of one mind over another mind, or someting else? Maharishi: There is mental healing through the power of the mind. But this healing power is a quality of the body. Some rays are being emitted all the time through the body, sometimes through the hands or other extremities of the body. Some constitutions develop more of these energy rays in their body, and when they meditate, greater energy is produced and begins to flow through their body. It is just a quality of the particular body. Some bodies gather more of these rays. Question: Placing the hands on the patient helps a great deal? Maharishi: Because the healing power flows through their body. It flows through the hand, and if they touch the suffering part it seems to get relief. The healing power of the mind will not require any touching of the body; just a thought will do. There can also be healing through vision. A man comes before you, you look at him and he feels better--the same healing rays. Healing through speech--if someone has a headache one may say, You have just a headache, go home, it will be all right. Some words are said and the headache comes to an end. Question: It needs belief in the words spoken? Maharishi: Belief or no belief, it depends on the force of the speech. This is a physical phenomenon. If he believes then he does not create a resistence. If he does not believe, then resistence is there, but if the power of speech is forceful it will break through the resistence. If the power of speech is low and the resistence is great, then it will not have any effect. Might is right in this case. Question: If a person is born with an illness, can he be healed by Transcendental Meditation? Maharishi: If the body is not healed, the soul will be healed. We cannot generalise, as it depends on the type of illness and the ability to meditate. But there is no doubt that psychosomatic diseases can be easily cured by Transcendental Meditation. We dont treat the disease as such; the cure is the natural result of Transcendental Meditation. --Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Transcendental Meditation with Questions and Answers
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 15:52:43 +0000

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