Question: Some years ago I approached our parish priest to speak - TopicsExpress


Question: Some years ago I approached our parish priest to speak to him and ask if the messages I am getting to the priesthood is a call from God, but he put me off and said it was only my imagination and I should be worthy. How do I really know if what I am getting is a call from God? When you take a hard look at the Bible, you see some things that really register. For instance, in Scripture it’s understood that God uses people in the strangest ways. I guess what I’m really trying to say is God uses strange people to carry out His will. The fact is that the Bible is made up of strange men and women, chosen by God to exercise heavenly strength here on Earth. Moses was a murderer. Paul killed a few Jesus lovers in his time. The point is that God uses the least of us to carry out His plan in spite of what we think we’re capable of or what we think we’re worthy of. I mean most of the prophets were reluctant participants in how God’s message for His people was delivered. As a matter of fact, most did not want anything to do with carrying the Word either because they didn’t think they were worthy or they didn’t think the people would listen or they didn’t feel the people were worthy of God’s blessing and deliverance in the first place. Whatever the reasons, we should all be mindful that the hand of the Lord is at work where He deems it will do the most good. Regardless of what we think, anyone and everyone is a candidate for greatness in the eyes of the Almighty, including you. Yes, even me. I used to think that only the one who was called to preach had the gift of ministry. Try telling that to anyone who has accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and see how quickly that misguided thinking gets you. Slowly I’ve come to accept, we all have a ministry according to the will of God. Neither economic status, social class or educational attainment means anything if God says it’s your turn to do His bidding, carry His message or simply let others see Him in you. One thing is for certain: You cannot refuse God when He comes a knocking. Just as importantly, ask yourself as I have lately, what are you reluctant to do in the name of God? Only you know if you’re in denial. Only you know if you’re trying to convince God to choose somebody else. The question is how long will it take you to realize, as they all did, that sooner or later, you’re going to do what God is commanding you to do? I think you might want to get to that conclusion before God stops asking you do anything and starts telling you. You know God just might take no as your answer and abandon you all together. I have at times internalized that. The prospect of that gives a whole new meaning to “When I say to a wicked man, ‘You will surely die,’ and you do not warn him or speak out to dissuade him from his evil ways in order to save his life, that wicked man will die for his sins, and I will hold you accountable for his blood.” (Ezekiel 3:18). I now believe that the measure of your life and mine is how we respond to God’s call, and not how hard we work, even if that work is somehow judged by us as benefiting others. We all must still obey, according to what we’re called to do. The question then is how do we know when God is talking to us as supposed to someone or something else. I must confess to you that I believe God will not allow Himself to be confusing to you. I believe He is talking all the time. The key for us is to make a very deliberate and conscious effort to hear Him. That requires persistence and prayer. Together then, listening becomes habitual. I for one am trying to hear God each and every day. In doing so I’m obligated to share with you that maybe my job and my calling is to accept as a blessing this platform, use it as but another wonderful conduit for God’s will and continue to say very loudly and clearly that Jesus is Lord, and if you also believe this, then you better tell somebody. Perhaps now, or when you are at the podium preaching to His people as a minister. Though all Christians are called to serve the cause of Christ, God calls certain persons to serve the Church in ministry. You need to discern if God is calling you? First, there is an inward call. Through His Spirit, God speaks to those persons He has called to serve in ministry of His Church. This sense of compulsion should prompt the believer to consider whether God may be calling him to the ministry. Has God gifted you with the fervent desire to preach? Has He equipped you with the gifts necessary for ministry? Do you love God’s Word and feel called to teach? Second, there is the external call. God uses the congregation to “call out the called” to ministry. The congregation must evaluate and affirm the calling and gifts of the believer who feels called to the ministry. As a family of faith, the congregation should recognize and celebrate the gifts of ministry given to its members, and take responsibility to encourage those whom God has called to respond to that call with joy and submission (including your parish priest). These days, many people think of careers rather than callings. The biblical challenge to “consider your call” should be extended from the call to salvation to the call to the ministry. Only God can call a true minister, and only He can grant the minister the gifts necessary for service. But the great promise of Scripture is that God does call ministers, and presents these servants as gifts to the Church. One key issue here is a common misunderstanding about the will of God. Some models of evangelical piety imply that God’s will is something difficult for us to accept. We sometimes confuse this further by talking about “surrendering” to the will of God. St. Paul makes it clear in Romans 12:2, the will of God is good, worthy of eager acceptance, and perfect. Those called by God to preach will be given a desire to preach as well as the gift of preaching. Beyond this, the God-called minister will feel the same compulsion as the great Apostle, who said, “Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!” (1 Corinthians 9:16). Consider your calling. Do you sense that God is truly calling you to ministry, as a servant of the Church? Do you burn with a compulsion to proclaim the Word, share the Gospel, and care for God’s flock? Has this call been confirmed and encouraged by those Christians who know you best? If so, then follow His voice and calling and go for it. God be with you…
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 07:10:10 +0000

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