Question: When I have a copd flair/exacerbation, I tend to panic. - TopicsExpress


Question: When I have a copd flair/exacerbation, I tend to panic. Is this normal and what do I do when this happens? Answer: When COPD symptoms suddenly worsen, this is called a COPD flare. Heres how to handle a flare, including breathing exercises that can help, as well as the signs that its time to see a doctor. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) management doesn’t stop at getting your symptoms under control. Even if you’ve taken steps that made your daily symptoms manageable, there may be times when all of a sudden breathing and coughing quickly worsen. These unexpected COPD attacks are called “flares.” COPD flares can be triggered by a variety of factors — most commonly a lung infection, such as a cold or flu. But sometimes flares may be due to reasons that are hard to control, such as changes in the weather or air pollution. And what causes one person with COPD to have a flare may not affect another person with COPD at all. It’s best to have a plan in place for how you will handle a COPD flare before one happens. That begins with recognizing when you’re experiencing a flare, and then using breathing exercises to ease your COPD symptoms. It’s also good to know when to talk to your doctor or seek emergency care if breathing exercises aren’t enough. Recognizing a COPD Flare While it’s not always possible to know what’s caused a flare, you can identify it by being aware of a few key signs, says Norman H. Edelman, MD, a senior medical adviser with the American Lung Association. “There’s a sudden worsening in the ability to breathe — such as shortness of breath, wheezing, or shallow or rapid breathing — and it’s frequently accompanied by an increased cough and a change in sputum color,” he says. Sputum is the mucus coughed up from the airways. Other early signs of a COPD flare may include: •Coughing more than usual •Fever •Confusion •Excessive sleepiness •Swelling in your feet or ankles Pay attention to these changes, and when you experience a flare, take time to rest and try breathing exercises. Although you may feel too anxious to stop what you’re doing and focus on your breathing, doing so brings measurable benefits. In a study published in the February 2014 issue of “Respiratory Care,” hospitalized COPD patients performing breathing exercises reduced their anxiety and depression significantly compared to patients who didn’t use breathing exercises. Breathing Exercises for Reducing COPD Symptoms The best exercises to try during a flare are the ones you learned with your doctor or during pulmonary rehabilitation, which may include these two particularly effective ones for COPD: Pursed lip breathing: Inhale through your nose for two seconds, then purse your lips as if you were going to blow out a candle. Exhale for four seconds. Repeat as needed. Abdominal breathing: Place one hand on your chest and another on your belly. Inhale, focusing on expanding your belly outward. (The hand on your belly should rise while the hand on your chest doesnt move.) Then, slowly exhale through your mouth. Repeat as necessary. “The most effective way to breathe through a COPD flare is with slow, even breaths, not short and huffy-puffy ones,” Dr. Edelman says. To ensure you’re doing all breathing exercises correctly, the COPD Foundation recommends that you get guidance from a respiratory health professional such as your doctor, nurse, or a respiratory therapist. COPD Flares: When to Seek Medical Help Even if you think the flare is mild, talk to your doctor about it and have him or her weigh in on its severity. “When you have a COPD flare, unless your doctor has already given you specific advice about what to do, you should always call,” Edelman says. What if you have a flare at night or cant reach your doctor, and the breathing exercises don’t work? Use prescribed medications, such as quick-acting inhalers or oral medications, says Edelman. But if these steps arent effective, get medical care right away. “Dizziness and fingernails that are turning blue from a lack of oxygen are signs you should call 911 or go directly to your hospital ER,” he says. Experiencing a COPD flare can be frightening, but with a plan in place, you’ll know how to handle it the next time it happens. If you feel unclear about any part of your COPD plan, don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 14:14:21 +0000

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