Question by chocobrown_eyes: about nail care and about nail polish - TopicsExpress


Question by chocobrown_eyes: about nail care and about nail polish questions? i just started to use nail polish a few months ago , well colorless cuz my mom said that my nails arent ready so here is some questions 1 whats buffing and filing??i think im filing my nails but i seriously i dont to i buy a buffer-thing and a file what does the buffer and file look like????how to buff and file? 2 is there any nail polish that kinda has color but not noticeable? 3 how to mani pedi ? 4 how to remove nail polish cuz i had a nail polish remover and it said to use a cotton ball to remove the polish and i got a little angry at my toe nail cuz i couldnt remove the polish so i kinda scratched the polish out and now my toe nail looks dull and it kinda looks like it has a second layer of nail ........... help! so thers my questions! Best answer: Answer by Tori1: Filing is using something that files your nails down...Im actually not too sure what buffering is... 2: Yes, very very very light pinks 3: Mani = Manicure (hands) Pedi = Pedicure (feet) usually you can get those done professional at a salon. 4: You can use cotton balls, cotton pads, toilet paper, tissues ect. Just put it over the top and let some of the nail polish remover on and rub your nails and the color comes off. Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 09:23:33 +0000

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