Question for everyone that has the time to listen. Why so much - TopicsExpress


Question for everyone that has the time to listen. Why so much talk about Paul Walker, and how sad it is, and such a tragedy, and prayers for him and his family. Its quite disgusting. Where are the prayers for the 4 people that died in ny on the train and the 60 injured. Where are the prayers for the highschool straight A student in texas tasered by the cops, now in a coma on life support, or the countless victims of gang violence, the elderly and women attacked by the cowardly knockout game. Or how about the thousands upon thousands of people our bastard in chief kills with drone strikes every year. Or how about the christians arrested trying to give thanksgiving meals to homeless. Or how about the thousands of christians dying everyday to radicals worldwide. Or what about all of the chinese workers that die everyday making your beloved ipads and iphones. The lists is endless! Pretty disturbing that the mainstream media decides who we should pray for. I guess Stalin had it right, a single death is a tragedy, a thousand deaths is a statistic. Wake up people, our society, world, family, and religion are dying right in front of us, and we are to busy engulfed in entertainment and sports to notice!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 17:18:37 +0000

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