Question, if your dog gets loose and starts chasing after a person - TopicsExpress


Question, if your dog gets loose and starts chasing after a person running, who stops and turns toward the dog and you (eight houses away) when he hears the dog barking at his heels over his music and is getting ready to defend himself, do you just get your dog and take it home or do you get your dog and apologize to him? And THEN as you drive by this same man minutes later and see him barely able to walk and limping his way back home, do you keep driving or do you STOP and ask if he needs any help?!?! While hubs was on his morning run/training schedule for the Chicago marathon this morning a dog chased after him. When he heard the dog barking he stopped immediately, turned and was ready to kick the dog if it were to jump at him. The owner chased and called after the dog, the dog stopped and went to her and she grabbed it and walked away without saying a word to him. With as fast as he runs and as fast as he stopped the bottom and top of his foot are swollen and bruised. As he limped his way home at 0630, she drove by him and without a shred of human decency said nothing and kept driving.... He was/is PISSED to say the least, not even so much with the injury, but more so with the lack of concern/compassion this woman showed. This evening as he continued to sit with his foot propped up, icing it, dreading the possibility of having to have surgery done, I went by the house he described to be where the dog came from. Spoke to the man who answered the door asked if they had a dog with the description my husband gave, they do. Explained what happened, as he turns to his wife and she replied that their dog didnt bite him and is usually on a leash when out front.... I stated I just need to verify that this is the correct home of the dog. The husband (who I assume is active duty from the base decals on the vehicles) apologized, she did not.... :/ Knowing how his normal reaction to being sick or injured is: walk it off, run it off, push through it because its not really there (sprains, knees, back, etc) and seeing him now, unable to put his foot to the floor, causes my blood to boil as well from her apathy.... Karma will catch up, it always does...
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 00:50:33 +0000

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