Question of the Day: So today I heard yet another argument - TopicsExpress


Question of the Day: So today I heard yet another argument against raising the minimum wage by a Republican who stated, If you cant support yourself on one minimum wage job, then work more then one job, because you have no business going on welfare and making the rest of us pay for your bad life choices. So my question is, if youre 25 years old, undereducated and under-skilled, what should you do because all Im hearing from the Right are the things you should not do: You should not work only one minimum wage job if you cant pay your bills with it. You should not go on welfare and make the rest of us pay for your bad choices. You should not burden your family by asking them for help. You should not end up homeless because you cannot pay your bills because we dont need our streets cluttered with homeless people and nobody wants to be bothered by you asking for a quarter when theyre on their way to eat their $40 lunch. You cannot kill yourself because thats a mortal sin and an affront to Christianity. You cannot get a better job because this is Obamas economy after all where the unemployment rate is actually 25% remember Obama Is lying about the real unemployment numbers. So what Im hearing is if youre 25, under-skilled and undereducated, your only real option is to work three minimum wage full-time jobs, one full time job to pay for the daycare to watch the children you never should have had, one full time job to pay for gas to the three jobs and meals for the day since youre working 7 days a week, and one full time job to pay for your one room apartment for you and your two kids with no cable, no health care, and only a single light-bulb running on your electricity, until you die of a heart attack at age 30?! Really? Is this the America anyone wants to live in?
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 18:23:02 +0000

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