Question of the day: Sparkling drops of rain fall gracefully from - TopicsExpress


Question of the day: Sparkling drops of rain fall gracefully from the sky as if a rain goddess has blessed this icy, crystal clear rain herself. As the rain streaks down your dirt and sweat covered face, you feel as if the dark billowing clouds threaten to overwhelm you with their unimaginable size and speed; your weary frame attempts to find suitable shelter for the night. The giant and otherworldly trees you pass seem to snicker at the foolishness of your passing; their deepening shadows seem to stalk your every step, watching and judging even the smallest of your movements with a predatory like hunger. Your heart beat thunders in your ears, you try to keep your rapid breathing steady. You remember your conversation with the drow empress Aelwyn Auvrealylth, “Remember my dear friend, you may feel as if I’m guiding you to your death, but I assure you I face a more sinister peril forming at the wavering edges of the Great Spirit world—I cannot be in two places at once, to abandon this quest would result in the eternal enslavement of all the races. This task falls to you, and you alone.” You continue through this disturbing forest until you reach old stone steps hidden cleverly behind a high rock face. They lead up into an old, narrow and forgotten mountain pass. The air is crisp as you finally reach a forgotten ruin. Every column is flecked with magical symbols, and in between every pillar a white pedestal laced with gold is crumbling. You see huge reptilian eyes peer out at you from the archway leading to the mage temple beneath the ruins. You have come to capture the mightiest and fiercest of all creatures—a fire breathing red dragon. You hear a slight shuffling to your right as you’re hiding behind a small crumbling stone wall. You see one of the drowess’ top drow wizards’ to your right. His long hair falls perfectly over his shoulders as he gazes nervously around. Tarril glances at you, “So, what are you going to do about this dragon? I’ll help you the best I can.” You feel a rumbling underneath your feet. What do you do now? How do you capture the dragon? And why does the empress need you to capture the dragon?
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 14:13:14 +0000

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