Question: what would the Prophet (SAW) have done if he was alive - TopicsExpress


Question: what would the Prophet (SAW) have done if he was alive today? I sincerely believe he would have reacted exactly the same way he reacted when Abu Baseer and a group of companions with him highjacked some of the mushrikeen of Makkah and started that gorilla warfare. The Prophet (SAW) did not condemn their actions, nor did he condone it. I have enough insight into the life of the Messenger of Allah (SAW) to believe something like this. Something like this never happened in Makkah, which many claim is the situation we are living in today (although I have my reservations on that) so it is no doubt difficult to judge our particular situation, but I cannot imagine the Prophet (SAW) would condemn the Muslims for defending him. When Abu Bakr defended him and got severely beaten up, he (SAW) did not condemn him. Likewise when Umar and Abu Dharr brought unnecessary stress on themselves, he did not condemn them. He advised Abu Dharr personally, which I would do too if I knew the shooters personally, but he did not condemn him and I shall not condemn the shooters either. Also when Hamzah beat up Abu Jahl, he did not condemn him. These incidents happened in Makkah when Islam was weak. Many of us are also aware of the companion who took the law into his own hands and killed a Jew who did a crime that is not even punishable by death; the Jew violated the privacy of a female companion. The companion acted impulsively and as a result got killed by a group of Jews immediately after. Did the Prophet (SAW) condemn him?? Not only did he not condemn him, but he went a step further and waged war on the Jews. Something for us to think about. Having said all of this, I am not preaching the condoning of the actions of those shooters. The reason why I write all this is because I am very disappointed with all those so called duaat and self claiming scholars who were condemning the actions of those brothers whilst ignoring the greater criminals; the cartoonists who started this fitnah by committing a crime greater than that of bloodshed. Furthermore, these scholars misdirected the Muslim masses from the more important issue when they should have focused their rage on defending the honour of the Prophet (SAW). One particular scholar wrote a long passionate Facebook status condemning the shooters (and his use of language was very vulgar), but then when it came to condemning the cartoonists, he only wrote two lines. Two lines devoid of any passion whatsoever, as though he wrote it because of social pressures rather than writing it sincerely from the heart as he did with his previous status. This person clearly had more anger towards the shooters than the cartoonists, in which case there didnt seem to be any anger at all. If your anger at the shooters is greater than your anger at the cartoonists, then know that there is a serious deficiency in your Iman. Insulting the Messenger of Allah (SAW) is an act of kufr that takes a person outside of the fold of Islam and scholars agree that the one who insults the Prophet (SAW) is punishable by death, some even claiming a consensus on this. Killing an innocent soul on the other hand is only a major sin according to the overwhelming majority of scholars and so is not a crime as great as insulting the Messenger of Allah (SAW) and I can confidently say that those cartoonists that were shot to death were not innocent. They deserved to die for their crimes whether they were killed the proper way or not, as they deserve to burn in hell forever. Yes, you read that right, these cartoonists deserve the death penalty and in the absence of an Islamic state they are no less deserving of that punishment, it just means that the sanction is not applied, but the criminals are still deserving of it. As for the Muslim police officer who died; he was innocent right?? Which part of defending and protecting those who blasphem Allahs Messenger (SAW) is innocence?! Which part of working in enforcing secular, oppressive systems is innocence?! He clearly didnt know that willfully working for a secular state as a law enforcer is an act of kufr. Interestingly enough, if things were flipped and had kuffar been doing the shooting, the state would have called it collateral damage. As would have those so quick to condemn their own family (ie Muslims are one family). Some will ask about the mosques that got attacked supposedly as a result of the actions of the shooters, theyll ask about the sisters that got attacked, which apparently could have been prevented if the shooters did not strike. I ask you; what about the three mosques that got burnt last week?! Which Muslim shooter provoked that?! What about the Saudi sister that got killed in Britain last year?! Which Muslim provoked that?! What about the sister who got attacked in London few weeks ago?! Who provoked that?! Clearly, our foolish condemnations arent preventing any attacks and nor are the kuffar gonna hate us any less if we condemn because they are determined to have a war against Islam and so they should be the ones condemned, not us for merely defending ourselves. If you want to stop the likes of these shooters, condemning them is not going to do any good. You will have to find the root of the problem and destroy it from its core, the problem being the ongoing war on Islam, which will continue to create more shooters. Then there are those that claim that many more cartoons were published as a direct consequence of the actions of the shooters... Woah! Hold on a big fat second! Which Muslim shooter provoked Maajid Nawaaz to distribute that insulting cartoon that he did last year?! Or which Muslim provoked the Danish cartoonists to start this whole sunnah last decade that has been followed ever since?! To say that they will publish more cartoons as a direct consequence of the shooting is the most absurd thing I have ever heard, or anybody has ever heard in the last 1400 years, in which time countless insults have been published and distributed and I assure you that this action will continue for the decades to come because the enemies of Allah do not require a license from Muslims to do something like this. People claim that the Prophet (SAW) forgave those that insulted him in Makkah. Really?? What evidence is there for such a claim?! He took no action because he was weak in Makkah, but he made dua against them and later killed many of them in Badr. In Madinah however, he killed anybody that insulted him, even if they were women and even if they were clinging onto the door of the kabah, which people would do when they feared for their lives as anybody clinging onto the doors of the kabah was not to be killed, but here the Prophet (SAW) made an exception. The next question is are we under any obligation to condemn? Neither the law of the land nor the law of the Lord obligates us to condemn actions that we are free from. Islam does not require us to condemn anything until solid facts are established and in the era of hypocrisy and conspiracies, establishing facts can be very difficult and Allah does not require us to delve into unclear matters. In fact He has advised us against delving into unclear matters. Furthermore, you will not find the Messenger of Allah (SAW) condemning any of the companions for acting impulsively and without wisdom and nor will you find the Jewish community condemning Israel as you wont find the Christian community condemning America and Britain for their ongoing barbarism and acts of terrorism. In fact we are the only community ready to pounce on our own brethren before we have even established any facts. This only highlights weakness and an inferiority complex amongst those who condemn and they should be ashamed to be part of our ummah because our ummah does not need such apologetic wretches who are only condemning to win Blue Peter badges from a group of people who will never accept them as Allah has highlighted over and over again in His book. Also, such unintelligent individuals fail to realise that refusal to condemn is not an automatic condoning. Let me repeat that again; REFUSAL TO CONDEMN IS NOT AN AUTOMATIC CONDONING!! Our deen is not so black and white and such individuals have no right to force us to utter words that we do not want to or have to utter. Please, I would like to exercise my freedom of silence ! It is really interesting how those that insulted the Messenger of Allah (SAW) were spared to silence whilst those that defended him (and I may not agree with their method of defence) have been called all sorts of horrible words simply because they acted upon their love for the most Beloved. Would I do what those shooters did? Absolutely not. Would I condemn them? Absolutely not. And as already mentioned, my insight into the life of the Messenger of Allah (SAW) tells me that this is the approach he (SAW) would have taken. And Allah Knows best and He is the source of all guidance. ( By Bro Abdur Rahman) Note : on some point I disagree with him ( Regarding advising those shooter But beautifully summed up.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 06:28:52 +0000

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