Questions & Answers Concerning Manhaj (Methodology) by Shaykh - TopicsExpress


Questions & Answers Concerning Manhaj (Methodology) by Shaykh Ahmed bin Umar bin Saalim Bazmool (hafidhuhullaah) How does a person of Sunnah aid Ahlus-Sunnah? – Answered by Shaykh Ahmad Baazmool He says: “How does a person of Sunnah aid Ahlus-Sunnah? And how should Ahlus-Sunnah advise one another with good?” [Shaykh Ahmad Baazmool] : The answer to this is from different angles. The first angle: you aid Ahlus-Sunnah by being with them; by strengthening their force! This is one. – You aid Ahlus-Sunnah by not going to Ahlul-Bid’ah (the people of innovation) and by not being with them, i.e. by not being between them (Ahlul-Bid’ah) and them (Ahlus-Sunnah). As some of the Salaf were asked about a man who says, “I sit with Ahlus-Sunnah and I sit with Ahlul-Bid’ah.” So they said, “This is a person of evil! He wants to mix the Truth with falsehood.” No! It is a must that you have tamyeez (distinction, clarity) by being with Ahlus-Sunnah and staying away from Ahlul-Bid’ah. – You aid the Sunnah and Ahlus-Sunnah by spreading the Sunnah, by inviting your brothers to attend [the lessons and lectures of] the Scholars of the Sunnah, by spreading tapes, books and fataawaa of the Scholars of the Sunnah, by implementing the Sunnah and by advising one another with the Sunnah. If you see one of your brothers having a tie with some of the deviants and some of the mukhaalifoon, then you should advise him and talk with some of your brothers [and say to them:] “How should we advise so and so, so that he doesn’t go with them?” So you advise him until he returns to you. And if you don’t see any good in him and he continues going with them, then leave him and his affair. But in the beginning you should try to advise him, as we have seen previously from the words of Shaykh al-Qayrawaanee, may Allaah have mercy upon him. – You also aid the person of Sunnah by defending his honour. So if someone comes to you and says, “Yaa Akhee (O brother), those people only have jarh jarh jarh (critisicm)…” Then you say to him, “Yaa Akhee, fear Allaah! Those people, by Allaah, we attended their lessons of Hadeeth, lessons of Mustalah, lessons of Fiqh and lessons of Tafseer. As for al-jarh, then they convey the speech of the Scholars.” So if he mentions something [about your brother or a Scholar] and you know that which opposes it, then you defend him. And this is under the condition that the speaker is someone from the parrots of the laymen, those who repeat something they have no knowledge about. So [in this situation] you aid your brothers, the people of Sunnah, by clarifying the Truth about their condition. But if the speaker is a person of innovation, someone whom the Scholars warned against or a person who is a head of misguidance, then stay away from him, don’t speak to him and never give your ear one chance to listen to him! Leave him! Never, do not listen to him! Do we now know the difference between the two? Sometimes you find one of your brothers from the laymen, from the people of khayr (good), who doesn’t know… He prays, etc, but he is not a person of a Hizb (sect) or a person of Tahazzub (partisanship). But he heard from some of your brothers that those people are people of ghuluww (extremism) and people of this and that, and you know that he is jaahil (ignorant), then you teach him. But if he says this speech out of i’tiqaad (belief) and out of inhiraaf (deviation) from the Truth, then leave him and his affair, it is not for you to argue with him.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 06:04:32 +0000

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