Questions about feeling your baby move - Feeling those first - TopicsExpress


Questions about feeling your baby move - Feeling those first flutters and kicks is one of the most amazing experiences of pregnancy. Heres how much longer youll have to wait and what to expect when your baby finally gets big and strong enough to let you know she or he is in there. When will I first feel my baby move? Youll probably feel your baby move sometime between 16 and 22 weeks, even though she or he started moving at 7 or 8 weeks (and you may have already witnessed some of the acrobatics if youve had an ultrasound). Veteran moms tend to notice those first subtle kicks and jabs – also known as quickening – earlier than first-time moms. (A woman whos been pregnant before can more easily distinguish her babys movements from other belly rumblings, such as gas.) Your build may also have something to do with when youll be able to tell a left jab from a hunger pang. Thinner women tend to feel movement earlier. What will those first movements feel like? Women have described the sensation as being like popcorn popping, a goldfish swimming around, butterflies fluttering, a tapping sensation, and bubbles. Youll probably chalk up those first gentle movements in your belly to gas or hunger pangs, but once you start feeling them more regularly, youll recognize the difference. Youre more likely to feel these early movements when youre sitting or lying quietly. When should I worry about my babys movements? Although your baby is moving around plenty already, many of his or her jerks and jolts arent yet strong enough for you to feel. Later in the second trimester, kicks will become stronger and youll start to feel them regularly. At that point, pay attention to them and let your practitioner know right away if you notice a decrease in your babys movement. Less movement may signal a problem, and youll need a nonstress test or biophysical profile to check on your babys condition. Once youre in your third trimester, some practitioners will recommend that you spend some time each day counting your babys kicks.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 18:05:15 +0000

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