Questions and Answers: The Sault Tribe Social Media - TopicsExpress


Questions and Answers: The Sault Tribe Social Media Congress Jim, I want to thank you for these questions. I’ll do my best to answer them for you and maybe they will help others with understanding what we’re trying to do here, too. I’ve been struggling with how to make this a good and useful and enduring document that will work for all of us, too. Jim Hollingsworth I am completely confused Charles. What did I attend in Indian River other than the first meeting of the Sault Tribe Social Media Congress? If there is no social Media Congress, what exactly are people being recruited to join or take part in? If there is no Congress what are volunteers to do on committees that dont exist? If there is no Congress, why is a document of directive necessary for someone to hold a Media Congress meeting in their area? First, you say you own the document then say the document is owned by the person using it in their area, so exactly who owns the document? Who voted on your ability to call special meetings or agendas requiring a vote? Who are you referring to when you say, Because it wasnt your idea youre jealous of me or you hate me? Your idea for this Congress is exceptional; however, I also feel there needs to be less control by a single entity. Charles Donald Forgave Well Ill try to explain some things. First, I created the document, right? Whoever creates a document owns it, right. But I created it for the people of the Sault Tribe. Its my gift to you. I don’t want to be burden with being the sole implementer of it. I have other things that I want to dl. Well, I can’t really give it to the people of the tribe unless I somehow relinquish all of the rights to it to all of you...I dont know how I would do that, do you? Second, you did attend a meeting of the Sault Tribe Social Media Congress in Indian River. I hosted it by following the road map in the document that I brought down there. I wanted to get members as much involved as possible and I called for a charter meeting....which it was in that we all had input and voted on approving the document. Third, but I ran into a problem. Other issues arose and I couldnt find an easy way to dispatch them quickly so that we could move forward. I tried to contact our charter group and present the issues to them. But most of them were busy at their own things and there was very little to no discussion and I had to chase after people t for them to respond and after several emails to them and still no response I thought: the heck with this. Im not doing this every time an issue comes up that needs a vote on it... So I thought, Ill go back to shaping the document myself like I did before we met in Indian River and, maybe later this winter, our charter group can get together and discuss the document and vote on it, again...thats where I am with that, today. Fourth. I’m recruited people here in the Soo, because Im hosting a meeting here. If you were to host a meeting in the Flint area, you would recruit people to come to your meeting . Fifth. The document has directives because the people need to know what theyre going to get when they go to a meeting called: The Sault Tribe Social Media Congress. The same as they need to know what theyre going to get when they go to McDonalds for a Big Mac combo meal. If youre going to host a Sault Tribe Social Media Congress, that’s why youre required to use the mandatory agenda. It is designed to ensure that all of the individuals and groups present will be treated fairly. If you don’t want to use the name the Sault Tribe Social Media Congress, hold a congress of another name and set your own agenda....its kind of like a franchise or trademark, I guess. Sixth. It’s yours while youre using it. Well, there is no administrative structure monitoring the social media congress. There is a host but other than for the host and the five committees there is nothing else, except for the document... The committees are called standing committees. The committees stand alone and they participate in each meeting as best they can...they cant be everywhere except by skype or Oovoo or travel...but they’re needed to do the leg work and to represent the interest of each of our sites...each of our sites have a spot reserved for them on each of the committees for those purposes. Its yours while youre using it, because unless there is a complaint filed, nobody can say anything to you about how you are using it, at least not in an official capacity...only the mediation committee can do that later. They can review a complaint and they can come back on you for it. Seventh. Ownership. Some people worry that Im going to change the document to work for me, because I own the intellectual rights to it. Well I dont know what to do about that...maybe somebody else knows what can be done about it? But please note: if anybody or any group uses it for their own or their group’s selfish gain, its not going to work...because the purpose of the document is to bring people together to eat and socialize and network and develop a common strategy for reaching some shared outcomes for the coming election in 2016. The document wont work for people of ill-will. Thats why I refer to it as a document of goodwill. It’s dependent upon the gentlemens agreements. If others lose faith in you they won’t come to your meetings and you’ all be left to you own devices until you regain their trust. Eighth. Well, too much control by me: yes youre right. But then again... I dont see any solution to that. Im at a frustrating place with this project too. Ive put a lot of work and thought into it and what with all the jealousy and hatefulness on face book I find myself wondering why Im even doing it. So, I’m asking you folks to come up with a solution on how we can transfer the intellectual rights to the document to the members of the tribe. And, if you will give me your ideas on how our charter group can meet readily and your ideas on how to protect the integrity of the document without me doing it, I’ll listen and discuss it with you. Well thats about it, I guess. Or at least its the best that I can do at the moment...TX’s. I hope I have answered most your questions... Thank you, Charles Forgrave
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 06:44:06 +0000

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