Questions and Answers With G-d about my counseling - TopicsExpress


Questions and Answers With G-d about my counseling approaches Ninth in the series 1. Soul-Mating or Finding Your Soul Mate Dear G-d, Perhaps one of the most pressing questions in the minds and hearts of many people that I am guiding, is this – how does a person find his or her bashert? How do you find your soul mate? How do you know it’s the right person when it seems more like “blindman’s bluff,” meaning there is so much that is unknown in the game? And that’s even more pronounced in arranged marriages, where each person has a hard time discovering everything necessary, and what is unknown for each is about 95%, compared to what is known, which is about 5%. This is really scary stuff, even for people who do a lot more research as regards their relationship with another person. Many don’t get it, even after years because it’s very difficult to understand and to know if the other person is the right one. Dear Yitzchak, First of all, I want you to know that questions in this realm will always outnumber the answers. I leave it that way on purpose. There has to be a significant amount of free choice in the process of finding someone and working with someone. Why? It’s because the mating process has so much to do with the level of the soul of each person, at the time they meet each other and onwards. Therefore, there is no sure-fire recipe to know with clarity whether or not another person is the “right” person or not. That’s the first point. The second point is that leaving the mating process as a mystery forces the couple to overcome the lack of clarity in bonding with each other, communicating with each other and bridging that gap. But, there are a few indications of the right person, such as the “smoothness factor,” which means noticing how smooth the whole process is working out, in terms of the couple being right for each other in the past, the present and the future. Another indication is, like anything else in the world that people are working through, there is what is known as the, “let go, let G-d factor,” which means I want you to trust ME. If I bring two people together in this way at this time, trust ME that I will continue to bring them together. I want you to see my Presence, my involvement in the process. Another indication is called the Ezer Kenegdo process in Hebrew, in a verse describing a soul mate relationship in which there is a paradoxical relationship between the man and the woman. She serves as a helpmate and an antagonist at the same time. If he deserves it she is a helpmate, if he doesn’t, she is an antagonist. Both of these are ways of bonding. One is easy and loving and sweet, and the other is difficult and hard and bitter. But it’s still a way of bonding. So, the main indication is that you wouldn’t have come together in the first place if there was not some form of soul mate faculty, and hopefully, enough for you to work with. 2. Love As A Cure-all Dear G-d, When, how and why is love a cure-all, and when, how and why is it NOT a cure-all? When is the opposite true? Dear Yitzchak, Love is the purpose of Creation. I created the world because I had no alternative reason to do so, other than my love. People who have meditated deeply on My Presence feel My Love. My love is the essence of the energy of what keeps the world going. It is altruistic, benevolent and overflowing, abundant love. Since that is the stuff that the world is made of, it is also a cure-all. When is it a cure-all? How is it a cure-all? It’s a cure-all when it is in balance, and for that you have my Sefirotic System to guide you. It’s a cure-all when your will is connected with My Will. It’s a cure-all when it is empowering as opposed to disempowering. It’s a cure-all when there’s a flow that elicits complete self-expression, allowing both people who are in love to have access in a normal and also a super-normal way. Any lack in these aspects of healthy love can become, instead of being a cure-all, potentially destructive. 3. Self Reflective Counseling Dear G-d, I see my counselees, my students as being a Divine indicator of who I am. I can only relate to their problems if I find them inside myself. When I find myself inside of them, then I have my own wisdom and experience and G-d connection available to me in order to guide them. I have to look inside myself, and they guide me to do so, in order to be able to guide them. How do I walk with this? How do I guide people with this self-reflective dynamic? Dear Yizchak, In the same way that one’s spouse is a reflection of the other, it’s a Divine reflection of each other. Their moves, their love, their tone, their heart, their communications , their words and beyond their words are all indications of where they are, who they are and what they have to fix up. If, by extension, you see the people you are guiding in that same way, then you are embarking on the most fascinating counseling adventure of your life. Blessings, yitzchak
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 07:34:13 +0000

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