Questions for atheist. 1 Would you say that people like Richard - TopicsExpress


Questions for atheist. 1 Would you say that people like Richard Dawkins are the intellectual crown of humanity? 2 Would you say that every single Prophet, sage, mystic, visionary, and Sufi, throughout the whole of human history, were all deluded fools? 3 Are religious institutions and God are identical and indistinguishable? 4 Would you say that American Indians, Indian Indians, ancient Africans, or ancient Persians were atheists? 5 Does the fact that many religious people and their leadership are hypocrites alone provide sufficient proof that God does not exist? 6 Is the existence or non-existence of God provable by the rational mind, without higher intuition? 7 Whose efforts at progress and bringing peace are turning the planet into a pestilential pile of trash and driving the human and social nexus to extinction; mystics or technocrats and the financial / political oligarchy? 8 Would the likes of John Coltrane, Beethoven or Ali Akbar Khan have produced the same quality music had they been atheists? 9 Who would be more likely to torture innocent animals in laboratories; scientists in the employ of profit driven corporations, or mystics devoted to God? 10 Is it possible that something can exist outside human perception? In other words, did, say, the newly discovered Higgs Boson particle exist before humans were able to perceive and identify its existence? Or did its discovery alone cause its existence?
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 12:58:07 +0000

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