Questions left on my Community Page, I thought I would share - TopicsExpress


Questions left on my Community Page, I thought I would share them and my response... 1. America is either in danger of becoming part of a global plutocracy or is already? 2. The Citizens United Decision should have been a wake-up call for all freedom loving Americans to unite? 3. The Wealth Gap is an indicator that this system is broken? 4. Most people living in the U.S. are struggling on some level? 5. Many people are working in jobs they hate, but have no options? 6. The people of our country are being systematically divided to keep us from uniting? 7. Insane violence is becoming the norm and is getting worse? 8. Groups are becoming radicalized, and it is getting worse? 9. We need to rebuild America and get not just living wages but good wages to the vast majority? 10. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have some really good ideas and we need more Democrats like them? Sista SistaSister: America is a plutocracy and we are simply in denial of the fact. We are constantly shuffling numbers and getting nowhere. I don’t know much about the Citizens United however I will say I am opposed to unions and corporations being able to influence votes by financing ads and advertisement on behalf of their candidates. Their ability to bombard the airways/media leaves little opportunity to those who haven’t the financial ability to do so; thus we the people may or may not have the best candidate for the job, but the best candidate money could buy. The wealth gap is clearly one indication of a broken economic system, and perhaps we should label it as the taxation gap, opposed to the wealth gap. If there was a set tax across the board for all; limiting exemptions, for large businesses, franchises, corporations and mega churches then we could begin to shrink the wealth/tax gap. Most people living in the U.S. are struggling; it is funny we tell folks not to spend money to receive a financial prize, sweepstakes, or windfall. Similar to those call or mail scams, because they usually lead to being taken for all youve got… Yet, we teach our young folks; college is the key to acquiring the promise land; but usually the promise land is far beyond reach due to the overwhelming college debt and the lack of employment after graduation. Student debt for 2013 averaged a little over 29 thousand, placing our young folks in financial servitude to the banking system. On the subject of violence; violence is not becoming the norm; violence is the norm and has been the norm since mankind dividend into clans and tribes, when family units expanded beyond comfortability and/or jealousy set in violence was a necessity. Violence is one more of those things we are in denial of; denying it is the foundation of our existence. This country would not be what it is if violence was not an intricate part of its history. Concerning systematic division; on the grand scale of things; people have been divided for centuries; there is merely and illusion of inclusion. We gather in bands of unity over common beliefs, issues, likes or dislikes but once the moment or season has passed we are just as we have always been; divided. When the cause is over and the alert is gone, we parcel off into our personal units, tribes and clans. As for groups being radicalized; radical is subjective to feelings, beliefs, education or the lack there of. We are all radical in someone’s eyes at some point in our lives. The preacher calls the atheist radical, while the atheist considers the preacher radical; both are correct based on their beliefs. The preacher and the atheist will both argue their experience and honestly both will be right for personal truth isn’t like math it doesnt have to be exact. Regarding the desire to rebuild America; Re… as in rebuild or redo. We cannot rebuild America in the form and fashion for which she exists. To rebuild America is to re-enslave one group of people and re-massacre another group of people and this is not the America we desire. We must think beyond tradition; outside the proverbial box. Those jobs, you mentioned, should not be a means to an end, but a pleasant expedition of our skills for the betterment of the whole. Rebuilding America would be travesty. We must create America anew and that doesnt happen through elections. Now my question to you Bobby D. Neil, how do we know Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders don’t have corporate dollars behind them? See we are leery for we have been feed promises and digested illusions and all we have received is crap. Thank U for your post it given me an opportunity to place my thoughts to words. SistaSistaSister Link in reference to your first two questions... https://youtube/watch?v=IOP02tSOgXU
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 02:57:35 +0000

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