Questions raised and there answers. 1. We have had three attempts - TopicsExpress


Questions raised and there answers. 1. We have had three attempts at the website which have not been succesful. Ideally the National government gave a tender to a company to do the websites for all the counties. The passwords and back coding and updating are supposed to be held by this unit in Nairobi. As a mitigating factor we are engaging an individual to do a completely new website. This forms part of the RRI for the ministry of Information and e government. 2.we as a government are open to engagement with all citizens of this county. Those who have made overtures to us to want to engage have found our door very open. We will be happy to receive requests for engagement. At the launch of the RRI we invited all people in all professions. We look forward to the ideas of all professionals so that we can develop this great county. Am happy to engage and the whole government will be ready to listen and exchange ideas. 3. On the roads issue it is important to note that KuRA and KERRA and KENHA are not devolved. The roads in the urban, rural, highways and trunk roads are yet to be devolved. They belong to national government. Its not our mandate for now. As for bulldozers we do not have a budget because the national government promised to devolve the mechanical department of the ministry of public works by December but they have refused to do so. The mechanical department of the public works which is based in malindi has all the equipment we need however it is still in the hands of the national government. On tractors for this financial year what was budgeted for is what we are buying. For us to buy more we need a supplementary budget. We shall study the budget again for us to see if its possible to add the tractors. However I would request CDf committees to supplement the effort. The ATC Mtwapa will be devolved sooner we shall have a training centre. The AMC in Mtwapa will also be devolved soon so we shall have enough machinery and equipment to boost agriculture. 4. We hold regular Meetings with wananchi. We are going to do more. However we shall get alternative means so that we dont have to disrupt peoples economic activities for Barazas. 5. The county finance bill is still in the house. We agreed with the speaker that when it reaches the committee stage the bill will be taken to the seven sub counties for public scrutiny and debate. Look out for an advert on when we have it in your sub county to ensure that you are involved in taxation decisions. 6. We have the governors round table meeting. We shall inform you when the next one will be held. 7. Investment opportunities are there but locals need to mobilize themselves into investment clubs and mobilize resources to take advantage of the vast resources that we have. It will be dangerous not to do this as foreigners will come and grab the opportunities while we watch. I would encourage our professionals to start getting ready. 8. Yes. We have. However this is a process. When we complete the government the balance will acutely reveal itself. We are balancing demographics hand in glove with professionalism and the law. 9. The star newspaper captured the truth about the purchase. There is nothing to hide. It was a purchase done above board. We are inviting investors to discuss on developing house scheme as the county government may not want to go into business. We are asking professionals to come up with investment partnerships to start building the housing estates. Professionals interested may talk to us so that we can introduce them to would be partners. 9. Mariakani is indeed our industrial hub which we are very proud of. Our minister in the office of the Governor and public service comes from Mariakani. In the RRI programming we have several projects from Mariakani. 14. On the radio and newspaper, we are looking forward to professionals to take up the challenge and invest so that it is privately owned. This government will resist to go into business ventures but will encourage private individuals to do so. We have experience with government managed businesses. I had a meeting with the young people who started the kilifian with a view to bring back the paper. They need capital and they are doing there best to raise capital to take up the opportunity. 10. On the gifted and talented we have given support to the karate team. We have sponsored these talented kids to a tournament in Gaborone Botswana. We have got them passports and visas and licenses and we are proud of them. 12. The development of sports fields and academy is something we shall consider in the next budgets.@for now it important we concentrate on ensuring that we get water to the people who do not have, we have to ensure we are good secure and also to invest more in education so that our results and transition rates improve. 13. Town hall meeting are now part of RRI 17. The county government can only help mobilize for investment company. Our professionals should come out to start these investment companies. We are keen on a youth investment company. Our very own Fred Fred Mweni should help us achieve this. 18. The Galana project is national Government project. Tenders were floated for people or companies to bid for a piece of the land. One cooperative society the Malindi Farmers Cooperative led by Mr. Baha actually bided. Us as a government led by the Governor Amason Jeffah Kingi wrote recommendation letters and are strongly supporting the company to get the 50,000 acres they requested from the irrigation scheme. 19. On pollution, kenya has an organization called NEMA and a legislation on pollution. Any companies which are polluting indiscriminately must be help responsible and we are waiting for NEMA to give us their report. 20. On education and Health please read our RRI document and you will no doubt know that we are focused. The bursary scheme kindly read the act which sets up the bursary. It will give you all the answers. 21. Yes, we have disaster a management team. I have set that team in my office and I have very able officers. On Wednesday they went to Bamba for rapid response data collection on the possibility of severe drought and starvation in Bamba ward. I have the report rom them. We are discussing with the governor on how to mitigate. We are focused to ensure that we are always ready for disaster. 22. Yes the law requires that we form the county economic and budgeting forum. We shall do this very soon. However the governors round table should be informative enough. We shall inform on the next meeting. Thats all from me for today. And many thanks
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 06:51:06 +0000

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