Quick Holler for Kim Jung Un losing power slowly. Defectors in - TopicsExpress


Quick Holler for Kim Jung Un losing power slowly. Defectors in Holland say that he is losing power, he is sick with gout and obesity and the platform is being taken over by two different factions, those who want to maintain the status with monopoly and those who want to (word) open their markets up. Maybe if we can get our dirty paws off of unsustainable energy sources in the mid east we could be influencing the good side of this soft civil war that wants open markets and then, maybe less poor, under-educated Koreans? Thing is that a rising middle class is the biggest threat to any powerful institution. Even our own government is afraid of it. Thats why they bail everyone out BUT YOU. Okay, lets all pray that North Korea comes out of that caveman bull crap, along with the Chinese living outside Hong Kong, on their own terms. Just like Afghanistan should find democracy on.... their own terms. All this crap Obama talks about We wont stand for any dictatorship....blah is just a way of saying we will find dirt under the nails of anyone who has oil reserves and use that, to take the oil. We could assassinate anyone who is vile and set up a proper democracy as long as preexisting infrastructure is there. Thats why Afghanistan is a loss. It would be like going to the Appalachian backwoods and trying to get Hank Williamss descendants to enjoy the fine subtleties of different caviar paired with the proper wines. But we could, if we wanted, easily rock out North Korea. If you think they are too distant for a covert coup just look at what we were capable of with Egypt. We let North Korea have the bomb because nothing controls people at home like a good threat. We could sanction any material and get the U.N. on them, just like Iran, if we wanted. But someone had to be the bad evil bad dude. Along with countless others now. Anyways that was a bit of a digressive rant and I know we come on here for....different reasons. lol. Maybe North Korea is changing. Tis all.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 15:58:23 +0000

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