Quick Movie Review: Catching Fire Movie. WHY COULDNT IT HAVE BEEN - TopicsExpress


Quick Movie Review: Catching Fire Movie. WHY COULDNT IT HAVE BEEN LONGER!? UGHH!!!! WHY!? Why!? I Got so into it!!! Now I have to wait til this time next year!? Nooooo!!!!!! Thats the best way to describe my reaction to #Catchingfire, the sequel to 2012s The Hunger Games. Now Ill go off record to say that I HAVE NOT read the books. However, its premise as a movie enthusiast, nerd, and sci-fi person intrigued me enough to catch the first movie on Blu-Ray, an absolutely enjoy it! And, have the most brutal death of seen in films: Death from genetically altered wasps. Youre asleep, they wake you up to stings, scream in agony, and they kill you until you die from it. Like I said, BRUTAL. The first movie succeeded with great film making and pacing as well as a fine tuned balance of story telling, exposition, chemistry, and action. This one does the same but turns it up a BIG notch. Ill go on to say this sequel certainly earns its marks among the finest sequels in cinema, including James Camerons Aliens: Colonial Marines, Terminator 2 (T2), Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn, and Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. Jennifer Lawrence reprises her role as Katniss Everdeen and is as strong in the role as ever. Like Daniel Radcliff to Harry Potter. Donal Sutherland has more of a role this time and provides a cunning, mischievous villain. Two more stars enter the cast: Jefferey Wright is Beeta, which is the guy with the cane from Source Code and the hispanic gangster from Shaft. Phillip Seymour Hoffman plays as Plutarch and brings his talent to full strength here. The cast did their roles very well. Everything else, the music, the sounds, the visuals, the action, the story and chemistry flowed extremely well. My Only problem is a movie making decision that ive seen before in Pirates: Dead Mans Chest and Matrix Reloaded. Im just not a fan of that style of film making but if it is what happens in the book then , without question, that is fine. It REALLY sucks I have to wait til next year but I really enjoyed what I watched. Its thrills, suspense, and chemistry just hooked you in and didnt let go. I recall the audience just as hooked as I was, leaning over their seats with explosive ambition to see what happens next. If you are even remotely interested, i highly recommend seeing this. Of course, it helps to have watching the first film so do that first. All I have to say is....To secure peace is to prepare for war. See ya next year.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 00:04:14 +0000

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