Quick, irrelevant copy and paste of a post of mine from a while - TopicsExpress


Quick, irrelevant copy and paste of a post of mine from a while back... no need to comment unless you wish to... just thought I really liked what I did with it XD Returning from the quick scouting trek into the earthen world above, The Great Deciever walked down the dark and twisting labyrinth-like hallways of the underworlds inner sanctum. He squeezed through dripping doorways of massing tentacles and blazing brimstone, as he searched for one he could tell of his new information. Gabriel on earth; without his escort, and with no gateway to heaven nearby. The divine creature would have to force one open, and that would take time... Time that the beings of sin could use for their advantage. Ilyu marched through the narrow confines of burrowed and embedded bedrock; snaking his way through the heated and dark territory of his comrades in damnation. His glowing red eyes; twisting and spiked tail, as well as his tensed and muscular wings, all seemed to mimick the surroundings, and he was near invisible against the backdrop of taint all around. This was his home; his castle among the fortress that was perpetual midnight: A place in hell where no natural or divine light had ever made contact. Only shallow pools of lava, burning bedrock, and the occasional rift in reality gave the place any semblance of reality, and yet Ilyu called it home and enjoyed the distance from the light. There were many similar locations in Hell, in the underworld, and there were many more much brighter ones as well. Entire cities of horrendous burning light, as well as Lucifers pit at the very center of it all. There were rivers of lava, cooling magma, stalagtites of black crystal, and every sort of worming and twisting dark creature imaginable. It was no vacation home; no place for the heretic divines, and Ilyu admired each and every dark inch of it. _________________________ Ilyu had given up his search for a worthy associate; not wanting too badly to spill the beans about Gabriel and his exploits on Earth just yet, but he had gathered more information regarding the would be demons hiding amongtst the flocks of mortals up above. The discarded ones; the new fallen angels who had been banished and removed from the halls of Divinity. He learned of one in particular; an Azriel, a former Seraph, and in his newfound information, the great deciever played cat and mouse mentally. He had to secure the not-so divine being and any accomplices he had. Ilyu needed partners, needed more minions and slaves, he needed as many as possible were he to overthrow Lucifer and take full control over the darkness. Ilyu had something that no other demon had; something Lucifer sought with great lust and greed, and he would never give it up. It was the most valuable possession any in hell could ever come to have, and the demon of illusion wasnt about to lose it to anyone... When Gabriel had began banishing and killing those who doubted him; those who sought to keep the creators original will whole, he created something never before possible. He created a damned seraph soul. Neither fallen, nor mortal, nor demonic, this particular soul was perfect. Except for the single unforgiven sin it had committed right before death. That was the key of course; death without forgiveness, without redemption or absolution, and for most Seraphs it was nothing more than a matter of whispering words to their creator and having their miniscule number of sins forgiven... This one however; this lonely seraph soul, had been ambushed by the sin in a moment of impeccable timing, and when Gabriels vengeance sent it spiraling into oblivion: Normally creating a banished or discarded one, Ilyu had caught hold of the falling divine creature, and stole away its chances at redemption. It had; for a single instant, been unfaithful and forgot its true purpose, and in that moment of weakness, it had truly been lost. No eternal rest, no second chance given, no escape on earth, nothing but a lifetime of servitude under the clawed hands of a greater demonic beast. This seraph soul would grant Ilyu what no others had ever before had. It granted him a glimpse into the eternal divine essence, and it would allow him entrance into heaven... Even if just once... Ilyu planned on using the misplaced soul for purposes beyond evil, and before Gabriel could stop him with a righteous hand, there would be more death and despair in the halls of heaven than ever before. Ilyu just had to wait... and learn more about those who could be turned and invited into darkness. The discarded ones were gathering, communing, speaking with devils and angels alike. Ilyu had to get in on the bargaining and the discussions. He had to gather strength if he were to rebel against heaven, earth, and his underworld home all at once. _________________________ Taking a page from his fathers book, Ilyu quickly devised a plan of action that would re-route many of the discarded ones to his cause, and before any of the other little implings and fleeting husks of demonic nature could obscure his goal or spread their treacherous knowledge of him about, he made his way for the nearest portal to the surface. He could ordinarily transcend through the darkness and rise to meet the earth of his own accord, but if his plan were to succeed, Ilyu would need to appear as meager and weak as possible. He would need to convince even the darkness of his weak and decrepit state... No easy task to say the least... Ilyu would force the world above to see him as he wanted; as he needed, and he would utilize Lucifers greatest trick to decieve them into believing he held no power at all. He would convince eternity itself that he were but a footnote, and all above and below the earthen realm would quickly forget his existence. Dissappear like smoke, fade into obscurity, take up arms alongside the fallen: Against their tyrannical leader Gabriel, and slowly draw them into believing his goals matched their own... Such was his plan, his plot, his ploy.. and so he would make it come to pass. His footsteps fell at first like thunderous thuds against bedrock and hardened ash, but before too long, they were but dull ticks against the ominous and foreboding background noise of the underworld. As he moved he began to change; inch by inch, foot by foot at first, until he stood before the portal to the surface, as a winged demon with but the slightest bit of black feathers clinging to his decaying set of wings. He would be as they too would be someday; a fallen who had nearly lost all hope, all will, all divine essence. Of course it was fake, but to any but Gabriel and Lucifer, Ilyus powers of deception and illusion were absolute. So long as either leader did not seek him out personally, he stood a chance. So with a faint smile; elongating a mouth full of glistening white teeth, the great deciever took one final step into the rift between worlds, and vanished from the holds of darkness. Onward to Earth, where his plan would begin to unfold upon the population of fallen hiding and waiting.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 06:03:14 +0000

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