Quick race report for SMUT 100k. I got 2.5 hours of sleep which - TopicsExpress


Quick race report for SMUT 100k. I got 2.5 hours of sleep which was not enough. I Helped with check in runners and lined up on time and properly dressed. I Went out pretty easy but not back of the pack like usual. I Slowly reeled in small groups on the climbs and used them to keep my descents in check. The sunrise was awesome. Leg 1 was 25 miles and I felt really good. I ran 100% of slate mountain, 95% of sterling justice and 95% of over the top. I noticed my aerobic capacity was great. I usually walk big portions of these trails but I wasnt even straining at a trot. The elusive climbing gear was visiting today. I think having had a rib injury and a lung infection for months cut my lung capacity so drastically that my body became more efficient. Im going to start a business where I kick athletes in the chest and inject bacteria into their lungs for only $1000. I pulled into city creek aid station about 90 minutes ahead of schedule. I was running with just a waist pack and 20oz bottle because the cold morning didnt demand much water. I planned to switch to a bladder but gambled that the much lighter waist pack would be easier and cooler. I was worried the next segment of 9.5 miles with a monster climb would dehydrate me but being so early I thought I could manage. I also carry more contingency supplies in my big pack. I would have no extra food, ointments, pills, baby wipes, lube or medical stuff. I caffeinated, hydrated, ate and pushed out of the aid station efficiently. The kinport climb was hard but not hot and I kept it steady. I improved my previous pace from 40 to 25 minutes/mile. I cruised midnight at 8-9 min/mile and washed my feet at the next aid station. That helped. About 5 runners I had passed in the last 10 miles were using me as a rabbit. On the monument climb I dropped them for good,except Joe. He would continue to bump me out of aid stations for a while. The West fork trail is only 3 easy miles but that last mile was brutal. It felt like 4. I knew I was close but it just drug on. This was mile 41. Last year I spent 40 minutes fiddling, resting and refusing to leave. This year I was out in about 5 minutes. I knew leg 3 is a grind and I was facing 3-4 hours of power hiking so I just put my head down and hit it. Unfortunately I forgot my caffeine at the aid station. It is well known that once the caffeine train leaves the station you have to keep it going or you crash hard. Mile 44 was the start of a train wreck. At aid station mile 46 I filled my bottle with mt dew in hopes of bouncing back. But 32oz later the carbonation and caffeine was a wash. I plodded on and realized I was on track for my best 50 mile time ever. Reinvigorated a bit I pushed hard. I ran 50 in 10:50. My previous best was 12:30. This was awesome, and also a mistake. My feet started hurting at 52 and the descent off scout mountain was pretty unpleasant. I had to dig deep into reserves to run the 50 in record pace. I would need those reserves later. I ran about 12 minute miles off scout mountain. I am easily capable of 8-9. I pulled into mile 56 aid station in rough shape. My dad helped get me out quickly and we started the final 6 miles. I found caffeine in my drop bag but I was beyond help. I hadnt eaten in 25 miles and couldnt eat here. Immediately out of the aid station is a brutal climb. I plodded up steadily and on the next steep, loose, dirty descent I passed a few 35k runners. The last obstacle is to climb over the Nordic center. I continued the grind. About half way up at mile 59 I hit the wall. It became a struggle to walk. The caffeine was keeping me alert but I had no reserves to draw on. Without food there was nothing to burn. I had taken some risks by skipping food and going for a lighter pack and while I was still net positive there was a price to be paid. I topped out and with about 2.5 miles to go I should have cruised home. Even on good quality downhill trails I was about half walk half run. My feet were sore but not terrible. My joints were good and my muscles werent overly tight, I just had no fuel. I forced down a gu and trotted in. A friend ran the last half mile with me which helped. My kids met met at the finish line. Kaya draped my medal on and I stepped over the line at 13:57. I crashed hard and my family rallied for anything I wanted. Overall Im very happy. It was a small field and I took 17th. The race was well organized and the aid stations were magical. I felt I wasnt ready for 100k but it was one of my better races.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 02:08:45 +0000

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