Quit smoking is a really difficult challenge. Why? Because - TopicsExpress


Quit smoking is a really difficult challenge. Why? Because breaking such a strong habit requires a lot of determination and effort. If that ‘effort’ exceeds the ‘motivational effort’ to succeed, you are doomed to fail! Motivation is proportional to the incentives or benefits – • In 8 hours excess Carbon Monoxide is out of your body. • In 5 days most of the nicotine is out of your body. • In 1 week your sense of taste and smell improve, and you smell better! • In 1 week you may have saved more than the cost of this easy solution! • In 1 month better blood flow is improving your skin. • In 3 months your lungs recover the ability to clean themselves, and lung function has improved by 30%. • In 9 months a womans risk of pregnancy complications is the same as a non-smoker. • In 12 months your risk of heart disease has dropped by 50%. • In 12 months a pack a day smoker may well have saved over US$4,000. If the emotional reward is, say, ’50 points’, but the ‘effort required’ to break the habit is, say ‘200 points’, then clearly you won’t quit, and smoking will continue. What if the ‘effort required’ to break the habit was reduced to, say, ’20 points’? Now we really are likely to succeed in breaking the habit and quit smoking! But how do you achieve that? Self-hypnosis is a relatively easy process, and involves quieting the mind, and then readjusting your way of thinking and your perceptions. It is a bit like ‘rewiring’ your brain. Now, if you could change your perception of smoking from an ‘essential and necessary pleasure’ as it is now, to an ‘undesirable and unhealthy’ process, then giving up an ‘undesirable and unhealthy’ process would be relatively easy. And the great thing is once you have mastered self-hypnosis you realize you have a fantastic tool to resolve so many different problems, or make so many different improvements, in your daily life, in relationships, your career, or whatever. It’s like buying a really universal power tool and adding that to your workshop! Major life changes are then possible. And the magic thing is this ‘Power Tool’ will cost less than you probably spend in 1 week on smoking! And then you have that ‘Power Tool’ for all the other tasks it can perform for years to come! So find out more about self-hypnosis here -> goo.gl/Mw0Isg
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 11:58:09 +0000

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