Quite a few folks reached out to me for weight loss tips without - TopicsExpress


Quite a few folks reached out to me for weight loss tips without having to go through Accupuncture or weight loss pills .. Here is a general how to for you : if you are not local to me I cannot examine your tongue and pulse ( for women there are other diagnostic questions related to periods etc) where there may be indications of other medical conditions . Some of these are basic good habits but good to institutionalize .here you go women ... 1. 70% of health issues is due to food. Does not mean u diet but start eating fixed proportion with compulsory leafy vegetable every day and the last meal be 4 hours before u sleep . 2. This is a hard one for many women and that is to find time to exercise . Walking is only good to energize but key is to get cardio heart rate up , so consider running a track in moderation or swimming or brisk walk/run for 30 minutes . 3. Treat yourself to fried food or sweet once a week - this is good regimen to follow if u r serious to lose weight . Usually the first push to lose weight requires more than just a regular routine. 4. Herbs - there is a Chinese herb called da huang . See if u can get that pill. It forces your intestine to cleanse and that would mean going potty more times - it also helps with fat loss. 5. If you have provision for cupping - that is to be done on your back and umbilicus every alternate day. It induces purging via stool and you feel lighter . 6. Homeopathy is good as any holistic medicine . However weight loss should not be drastic as you will have long term effects like bone pain , period issues later in life . I would recommend 4 and 5 as good enough. 7. Try drinking green tea. Take 1 dip dip sache and drink warm water through the day. Also remember you need to do most of above in some form to help the weight loss . It seems a lot but actually just a few adjustments here and there .Include a prenatal vitamin in your intake after dinner so that you can supplement the less quantity of food your body is used to . It usually takes 2 weeks for your body to accept a routine so perseverance is key. 8. Get a massage on your stomach and back full every week if possible, if not once every 2 weeks. Focus on stomach in anti clockwise - this helps with weight loss via stool . 9. Eat a neem based herbal tonic from any Ayurvedic store , 1st thing in morning with honey and lemon water Good luck !
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 03:06:20 +0000

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