Quitting Smoking A woman writes: “I really want to quit smoking - TopicsExpress


Quitting Smoking A woman writes: “I really want to quit smoking cigarettes, and I feel that the LORD wants me to do this, but I am so scared to stop because I am so use to smoking... What advice would u give me to quit?” Lord, bless this message to her, and thank You for being her strength to quit. Enable her to receive these words and scriptures that they may minister to her hourly during this trial for your glory. First, congratulations on listening to the will of God in your life! Now, I am not a doctor - and you may need to consult with a doctor before following any of my advice. I leave that up to your best discretion. Having been a smoker in my life, I know the difficult struggle you are facing! It was very difficult for me to quit, and I did it without the Lord. You will have a much easier success because you have Him to fight this battle in you! The Lord is always victorious! One of the challenges of being a Christian is in learning to be the Christian we have become. We get stuck in the past of who we were and think it defines who we now are. In Christ, according to your will to quit smoking, you are a non-smoker. That is something the Lord clearly intends for you, which is why you wrote me this letter. So…be it. Change your language to reflect your new status in Christ. You are a non-smoker. You quit. Smoking is certainly a temptation Satan is using to bind you for some reason. Perhaps it is to keep you smelling foul so that loving new relationships are not formed. Or, to keep you financially drained all of the time so you cannot bless others. What is the thing you would do for yourself if you saved all the money you spend on cigarettes? That is the thing that the Lord wants for you. Satan is trying to take it away…don’t let him. It’s easy enough to get the idea to quit smoking, but in practice it can be very difficult. I cannot lead you as to whether you should quit cold turkey, scale down, or use a substitutive measure. Here is what I can give you… The Lord is constantly trimming off things in our lives that don’t bear fruit. “Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. Now ye are clean through the word…” John 15:2-3 KJV Our spirit is willing to do the Lord’s will, but our flesh is weak. Addictions are strong holds that are incredibly difficult for us to overcome. But, the Lord can overcome them in us quite easily. Remember that Jesus faced every temptation that we face today, but the difference is that He always – ALWAYS – overcame them. He never succumbed, and He is the same living Lord Jesus you have dwelling in you if you have received Him as savior in your life. Release the Victor in your life, and you will have victory! Try to overcome of your own free will, and the flesh will fail. Let’s look back at that scripture… “Now ye are clean through the word…” We are cleansed by the word of God. Next time that ugly temptation rears it’s head, pick up your King James Bible and study His word. Flee to God and His refuge! Every time that temptation enters in…fight it with scripture. Resist the devil and He will flee from you. Let the Lord do the resisting for you… He is waiting to prove Himself strong on your behalf. This is a battle He’s already won…so begin to rest in the glorious victory. I pray this has helped, and I look forward to the rest of your story as a non-smoking Christian!
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 18:33:14 +0000

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