Quote: "Eisenhower’s signature foreign policy — the Eisenhower - TopicsExpress


Quote: "Eisenhower’s signature foreign policy — the Eisenhower Doctrine — was designed to keep Arab states out of the orbit of Soviet Russia by offering them money and arms on a scale the Soviets couldn’t match. The Soviets also couldn’t match the belligerence Eisenhower employed against America’s own allies, as seen after Egypt seized the Suez Canal, an international waterway owned by the UK and France. The UK and France, along with Israel whose ships were under Egyptian blockade, then invaded Egypt to restore their rights. Rather than support his Western allies, Eisenhower became their worst nightmare in a bid to woo the Egyptians. Eisenhower forced the invading countries to withdraw, starting by threatening to collapse Great Britain’s fragile economy by denying it a desperately needed $1-billion IMF loan and by selling U.K. bonds to collapse the pound. These hardships were heaped on top of the loss of the Suez Canal, which controlled two-thirds of Europe’s oil." - Lawrence Solomon Lawrence Solomon: The folly of following Ike on foreign aid Republish Reprint Lawrence Solomon | 13/01/31 | Last Updated: 13/01/31 10:29 PM ET Stop Eisenhower-style foreign-aid interventionism, Rand Paul says When great empires are in decline — Rome, Byzantium, the Hapsburgs, the Ottomans — they buy their friends and outsource their foreign policy, sometimes through what we now call foreign aid, sometimes by financing allies to do their fighting for them. The long-ascendant U.S. is now in decline mode, withdrawing from the Middle East and beyond as its population has grown war-weary and soft. In managing the American decline abroad, President Barack Obama is said to be channelling president Dwight D. Eisenhower, who in the 1950s slashed the defence budget as he extricated America from the Korean War, replacing military might with an interventionism of another kind, one based on foreign aid coupled with ruthless diplomacy. Eisenhower is all the rage now in Washington. The man who, to the delight of the anti-war left, coined the term “military-industrial complex” is the subject of a new book, of numerous op-eds, of approving references by the likes of outgoing secretary of state Hillary Clinton, and of admiration by Obama’s controversial pick for defense secretary, Chuck Hagel. Is Obama’s Eisenhower-like foreign-aid-based interventionism likely to succeed? No, says libertarian Senator Rand Paul, a Republican from Kentucky who proposes a less interventionist, no-foreign-aid policy. Paul’s approach has to my knowledge never been tried by a great power in decline, but it does have its virtues: It’s frugal, it treats allies with respect and, unlike the Eisenhower approach, it hasn’t failed miserably. Eisenhower’s signature foreign policy — the Eisenhower Doctrine — was designed to keep Arab states out of the orbit of Soviet Russia by offering them money and arms on a scale the Soviets couldn’t match. The Soviets also couldn’t match the belligerence Eisenhower employed against America’s own allies, as seen after Egypt seized the Suez Canal, an international waterway owned by the UK and France. The UK and France, along with Israel whose ships were under Egyptian blockade, then invaded Egypt to restore their rights. Rather than support his Western allies, Eisenhower became their worst nightmare in a bid to woo the Egyptians. Eisenhower forced the invading countries to withdraw, starting by threatening to collapse Great Britain’s fragile economy by denying it a desperately needed $1-billion IMF loan and by selling U.K. bonds to collapse the pound. These hardships were heaped on top of the loss of the Suez Canal, which controlled two-thirds of Europe’s oil. The U.K.’s permanent undersecretary of foreign affairs explained the consequences: “If Middle East oil is denied to us our gold reserves will disappear. If our gold reserves disappear, the sterling area disintegrates. If the sterling area disintegrates and we have no reserves, we shall not be able to maintain a force. … A country that cannot pay for its defence is finished.” After Eisenhower was through, Britain was indeed finished as a power for decades to come. France and Israel were also diminished. Egypt’s leader, Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser, in contrast, became an instant hero and the undisputed leader of the Arab world. Despite having received immense amounts of foreign aid from the U.S., he allied with the Soviets, working against the free world by inciting rebellions in Jordan, Syria, and other Western allies. Eisenhower’s Suez interventionism proved so disastrous — it is also credited with setting the stage for the 1967 Six Day War between Israel and its Arab neighbours — that Eisenhower himself later regretted what he saw as his greatest foreign policy blunder. Eisenhower’s policy of foreign-aid backed interventionism could hardly have fared worse. Would the alternative — a Rand Paul style of non-interventionism — have fared any better? While the past cannot be replayed, this much is clear. Before Nasser came to power in a 1952 coup, Egypt was a relatively modern, thriving country under a constitutional monarchy — precisely the kind of tolerant democracy that the leaders of the Arab Spring hoped to bring about. Had Eisenhower not rescued Nasser from an ignominious defeat at the hands of the Israelis, French and British, he would have been disgraced in the Arab world and possibly toppled in favour of a restoration of the monarchy — this was the hope of the invaders. At the same time, Iraq, Syria and Libya — all of which Nasser inspired, all of which subsequently suffered economically — might have taken more democratic paths. Arab nations might be prosperous today instead of ranking among the world’s worst economies. Had the U.S. not intervened in Israel’s affairs in the 1950s, Israel would have had a freer hand in establishing itself as a military and economic power, possibly deterring its neighbours from waging subsequent war. Had the 1967 Six Day War not happened, Israel would not now rule over the West Bank. Had the U.S. employed a non-interventionist policy throughout, it wouldn’t have tried to prevent Israel from taking out Iraq’s and Syria’s nuclear facilities and it wouldn’t now interfere with an Israeli decision to take out those of Iran. “I’m for an independent, strong Israel that is not a dependent state, not a client state,” Paul states. The U.S., too, would have been better off. Instead of trying to mastermind outcomes in so much of the world, it would simply let relations among other nations play out. Eisenhower’s other diplomatic forays — they include discouraging Taiwan and South Korea from taking on Communists in China and North Korea, and overthrowing an elected government in Iran in favour of the Shah — also had dubious outcomes. Pocket the foreign-aid money, says Paul, and let others wage their own wars, or not. As a side benefit, the U.S. might even arrest its decline. Financial Post LawrenceSolomon@nextcity opinion.financialpost/2013/01/31/lawrence-solomon-the-folly-of-following-ike-on-foreign-aid/
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 21:18:49 +0000

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