Quote: Some of the good bits from QandA the mainstream media dont - TopicsExpress


Quote: Some of the good bits from QandA the mainstream media dont appear to want to show as much. Here is the first Clip. Its under 3 minutes, so worth the look and the time to share. PUP say NO to the Budget. CLIVE PALMER: Whats wrong with this budget is its just not fair. It’s just not reasonable to people and all of Australia knows it. Weve got to remember that our debt really is 12% of our GDP and the average debt in the OECD is 73% of GDP. Were the third-lowest debt country in the OECD and what the boffins go on about is the projections. Well, you know, we had the global financial crisis a few years ago. Ive been in business for years. Everyone knows the economy changes. We have wars, we have a whole range of things every four or five years, but all of these people are worried about what happens in 20 or 30 years. You know, I had four women come to see me in my electorate office aged between 68 and 86 and they said that their husbands always voted Liberal, they’d always voted Liberal and they didnt vote for me. Theyd served in the Second World War, their three husbands, who were deceased, the other one in Korea and they said that their pension is paid to the nursing home and they get $15 back for incidentals every week and every Friday the four of them pool their money together and they go down to Maroochydore cinema to see a movie, have a coffee and have a chocolate and come home but under the co-payment, they cant go to the movies anymore. I didnt get elected to parliament to tag off someone’s coffee and chocolate from an old lady that mightnt be here in three or four years time. I got elected to look after the people that are here in Australia now, not people that might be here in 20 or 30 years time and I don’t want to destroy the values of this country and I assure all Australians that we will stand as the last sentry at the gate. *There will be no co-payment. *There will be no changes to the education establishments in Australia. *There will be no deregulation of universities. Thats why people elected us and thats what were going to do. TONY JONES: Okay. What about Joe Hockeys fuel tax hike? CLIVE PALMER: Well... TONY JONES: Youve just named a number of things. What about the fuel tax hike? That’s where that started. CLIVE PALMER: I dont want to upset Warren tonight too much but... WARREN TRUSS: You already have. PENNY WONG: Too late. CLIVE PALMER: But the reality of it is is when we got rid of the carbon tax, part of the carbon tax was a rebate on diesel fuel. Thats now being re-introduced as a change to excise so its about mirrors. The Australian people dont want mirrors. They want the truth. So we wont vote for that or for the indexation. You’ll see... TONY JONES: So no matter what is said to you? CLIVE PALMER: That’s right, yeah. TONY JONES: Because this is a period of intense negotiation. Are you determined to reject all of these things? CLIVE PALMER: Well, on the things that I’ve just mentioned tonight, you cant negotiate because theyre the very fabric of the nation that we live in. You cant sell out of Australia and you cant sell out on the Australian people.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 06:42:29 +0000

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