Quote: THE NEW Testament contains an extraordinarily large number - TopicsExpress


Quote: THE NEW Testament contains an extraordinarily large number of Old Testament quotations. It is difficult to give an accurate figure since the variation in use ranges all the way from a distant allusion to a definite quotation introduced by an explicit formula stating the citations source. As a result, the figures given by various authors often reflect a startling discrepancy. 1. RANGE OF OLD TESTAMENT REFERENCES The present writer has counted 224 direct citations introduced by a definite formula indicating the writer purposed to quote. To these must be added seven cases where a second quotation is introduced by the conjunction “and,” and 19 cases where a paraphrase or summary rather than a direct quotation follows the introductory formula. We may further note at least 45 instances where the similarity with certain Old Testament passages is so pronounced that, although no explicit indication is given that the New Testament author was referring to Old Testament Scripture, his intention to do so can scarcely be doubted. Thus a very conservative count discloses unquestionably at least 295 separate references to the Old Testament. These occupy some 352 verses of the New Testament, or more than 4.4 per cent. Therefore one verse in 22.5 of the New Testament is a quotation.... This months article, from the pen of Dr. Roger Nicole, weighs in more on the technical side of things vs. the pop easy reading side which invariably is preferred by far too many in our modern cultures. So, why have I chosen to add this article? There are two reasons: 1) What Dr. Nicole has compiled is a valuable resource for understanding a) just how integrally related the Bible really is, i.e., evidence of its divine inspiration. And, b) how dependent the NT authors were on the OT writings and therefore how appreciative and dependent readers of the Bible should likewise be of the Old Testament. 2) This article is definitely an aid in detecting fanciful views (heresy) that seem to be flourishing in our present day that most always are the result of ripping a passage of Scripture out of context, or some other similar reason(s). And further, the valuable information provided in this article will help guard oneself against fabricating unique ideas which no one else or extremely few have held before. In short, it provides one of the foundational elements of a solidly biblical hermeneutic (method of interpretation). Of course, this is simply another way of stating that a proper understanding of the Bible will lead one into truth rather than error. Without truth, one cannot know God, for Gods written Word and Living Word is truth (Jh 14:6, 17:17; 2Sam 7:28; Ps 19:7, 119:144,151,152; Eph 4:21). ~ Pilgrim the-highway/forum/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/50913/gonew/1/%22New_Testament_Use_of_the.html#UNREAD
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 10:39:09 +0000

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