Quote Would you like to save the world from the degradation and - TopicsExpress


Quote Would you like to save the world from the degradation and destruction it seems destined for? Then step away from shallow mass movements and quietly go to work on your own self-awareness. If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation. ~Lao Tzu~ Blog As technology improves and hopefully those tools go out to more of humanity, that will lessen the daily struggles for many. When that happens it frees up time. What would you want to do with that time? So many have said that at a certain point you have enough money. After that all there is to do is spiritual work. That means inwardly first and then when you have achieved a strong center to then go outward into the world and assist others. But if you want to change the world you have to change yourself first. You have to confront your own illusions and address your own distorted and negative thoughts. Unless you do this you do not have your gifts strongly anchored in the domain of truth. What gets others attention is someone who is congruent and stable in their spirituality and holding integrity to truth from a place of experience. Words are just words. Souls that are younger can be swayed by words alone. But as you get older and more integrated then you are looking for more than just words. All the great words have been said over and over again. Truth is truth regardless of what religion or philosophy it comes from. What is dangerous is when someone has memorized the words but those words have no depth within them. Believing something does not make it true. Only by experiencing it and integrating it as wisdom can those words become not just repetition like a parrot but become embodied. ~Suzanne Wagner~ Video How to Free Yourself of Negative Thoughts – Author Michael Singer – Oprah Network https://youtube/watch?v=zoRuapZ2rU4
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 04:15:14 +0000

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