Quote from the audio series, Atonement. Some of the shortest - TopicsExpress


Quote from the audio series, Atonement. Some of the shortest verses in Scripture, [1 Thessalonians 5] verse 16: Rejoice always. Verse 17: Pray without ceasing. And then verse 18 begins: In everything give thanks . . . And then it says: . . . for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. I’ve met Christians who said, “I don’t think I’m in the will of God, I’m not satisfied, I’m not happy.” And as I’ve examined their condition I’ve discovered that they were in the will of God, they were doing the right thing, they were doing what they were called to do. But you know why they were out of the will of God? They weren’t giving thanks. You can’t be in the will of God if you’re not giving thanks. Did you get that? Because this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. What is this? Giving thanks in what? In all things, that’s right. That doesn’t leave out anything, does it? I promise you that the lives of many of you would be changed if you just start to obey that. When you get into your car, thank God for the car. When you drive along the highway, thank God for the highway. When the speed cop catches up with you, thank God for the speed cop. I mean, in everything give thanks. All right? You’d be a different person. Basically, thankful people are happy people and the kind of people other people want to be with. Very few people want to be with complainers.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 18:00:00 +0000

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