Quoted from a Fresno resident. We now live about 30 miles from - TopicsExpress


Quoted from a Fresno resident. We now live about 30 miles from Fresno . We are up in the Sierras and Fresno is the first big town we encounter when we leave the mountains. We shop there often. I received this from my ex-homicide partner who is still active in law enforcement circles in the Fresno area. Excuse the language, but dont excuse the facts. Dont give up your guns, and buy necessary ammunition if you can find it. Be cautious and alert. Be ready if, God forbid, we need to protect our families and loved ones. If you werent at Rotary meeting on Friday, you missed the only decent speaker weve had in more than a year. L TC John Cotter is the 144th Fighter Wings anti terrorism officer. John had a two-part presentation. First part was describing his job as the units anti-terrorism officer. Pretty standard stuff. The second part was information that will curl your hair. A Part-time air guardsman works as a checker at local Vons. Two women in full burkas buy every pre-paid cell phone in the store. Clerk/airman gets to thinking about it. Goes to Cotter and reports incident. Cotter asks store for surveillance video. Its scary enough that he contacts Fresno FBI. FBI investigates and determines these women have been doing this all over the Valley. Cell phones shipped through Canada to Iraq/Afghanistan where they become triggers for roadside bombs. The Shell station at Peach and Shaw. Every time a local GI goes there in fatigues they are asked specific questions. What is your unit? When are you deploying? How many aircraft are you taking? The F-16s out of Fresno fly CAP for west coast. As such they are the first line of defense so they have the US s most sophisticated air-to-air missiles. Foreign governments would like to get their hands on those missiles or at least learn how to build them. Also how many we have, etc. Two spy groups are working on it, one based at Fashion Fair Mall (the F-16s take-off pattern) and one based at Sierra Vista Mall (the F-16s landing pattern). Cotter said the ragheads (but we dont profile) are always probing the base. Two dorks in a pickup show up at the front gate wanting to deliver a package marked Air National Guard, Fresno ... No postage, no UPS, no FedEx, no DHL, no nothing. Just a probe. I asked Cotter why we havent seen anything about this in The Bee, on KMJ, on local TV news. He said theyre not interested. Since Friday Ive learned of two other things. My brother-in-law, Frank, (management at Avaya) had a Muslim tech who took a leave-of-absence for 6 weeks in Afghanistan . After the 6 weeks were up he called from New York requesting an extension. Frank (who does profile) said, youre fired, and called the Fresno FBI who were very interested. Dont know the outcome. A Muslim who owns a liquor store in my former hometown of Kingsburg was constantly bugging customers to buy guns for him. Finally one of the guys I grew up with called the FBI. We are a country at war and the enemy is among us. I dont care what Janet Napolitano says, its a fight to the death and we should be as prepared as possible. Brother-in-law Frank has a theory and I think it may be closer to the truth than Homeland Security wants to admit. See note below in red There are a certain number (probably a large number) of Muslims among us who are awaiting the trigger date and will begin randomly killing as many of us as they can, sort of a FortHood on steroids. I know Im getting prepared to shoot back. Two items of interest: Sheriff Margaret Mims wants to grant concealed carry permits to all who are qualified. Columnist Jim Boren, among t he most bleeding of the bleeding heart liberals, says its time for Fresno residents to arm themselves. LOAD up, you can bet this is happening in places other than Fresno .. David Rayburn I was asked to send this to everyone in my address book. Some of those Im sending it to WILL NOT forward it! To those I say, Get your head out of the sand and look around with an open mind or before you know it we will no longer be living in the land of the free and the brave! We are under attack from a hidden enemy that is everywhere. They WILL attack us and KILL as many as they can to further the Islamic doctrine of Shiria law. They behead, cut off limbs, stone people to death and worse. Beware, there IS a holy war coming. The signs are everywhere if you care to look and listen. What do we expect from Homeland Security not wanting to admit anything since they are being run by devout Muslims in charge of Homeland Security Posts. Well, boys and girls, today the fox is guarding the hen house. The wolves will be herding the sheep! Obama appointed two devout Muslims to homeland security posts. Obama and Janet Napolitano appointed Arif Alikhan, a devout Muslim, as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development. DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano swore-in Kareem Shora, a devout Muslim, who was born in Damascus, Syria, as ADC National Executive Director as a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC). NOTE: Has anyone ever heard a new government official being identified as a devout Catholic, a devout Jew or a devout Protestant...? Just wondering. Devout Muslims have been appointed to critical Homeland Security positions? Doesnt this make you feel safer already?? That should make our home land much safer, huh!? Wasnt it devout Muslim men who flew planes into U.S. buildings a few years ago? Wasnt it a devout Muslim man who killed 13 at Fort Hood ? Please forward this important information to any who give a rats ass about the future of our Country, and to those among us who have their head in the sand. In GOD we trust
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 20:38:59 +0000

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