Quotes about trials and tribulations. We must learn to live on - TopicsExpress


Quotes about trials and tribulations. We must learn to live on the heavenly side and look at things from above. To contemplate all things as God sees them, as Christ beholds them, overcomes sin, defies Satan, dissolves perplexities, lifts us above trials, separates us from the world and conquers fear of death. Author: A.B. Simpson After many painful trials, which none can know, but those who are taught to relinquish a system in which they had been educated, I settled down in the full persuasion, that the immersion of a professing believer in Christ is the only Christian baptism. Author: Adoniram Judson Trials come to prove and improve us. Author: Augustine Trials teach us what we are; they dig up the soil, and let us see what we are made of. Author: Charles Spurgeon So surely as the stars are fashioned by His hands, and their orbits fixed by Him, so surely are our trials allotted to us: He has ordained their season and their place, their intensity and the effect they shall have upon us. Author: Charles Spurgeon The trials of a true minister are not few... Let no man who looks for ease of mind and seeks the quietude of life enter the ministry; if he does so he will flee from it in disgust. Author: Charles Spurgeon To learn strong faith is to endure great trials. I have learned my faith by standing firm amid severe testings. Author: George Mueller God delights to increase the faith of His children. We ought, instead of wanting no trials before victory, no exercise for patience, to be willing to take them from Gods hands as a means. Trials, obstacles, difficulties and sometimes defeats, are the very food of faith. Author: George Mueller In the secret of Gods tabernacle no enemy can find us, and no troubles can reach us. The pride of man and the strife of tongues find no entrance into the pavilion of God. The secret of his presence is a more secure refuge than a thousand Gibraltars. I do not mean that no trials come. They may come in abundance, but they cannot penetrate into the sanctuary of the soul, and we may dwell in perfect peace even in the midst of life fiercest storms. Author: Hannah Whitall Smith Great trials come at lengthened intervals, and we rise to breast them; but it is the petty friction of our everyday life with one another, the jar of business or of work, the discord of the domestic circle, the collapse of our ambition, the crossing of our will or the taking down of our conceit, which makes inward peace impossible. Author: Henry Drummond We are always on the anvil; by trials God is shaping us for higher things. Author: Henry Ward Beecher We are always in the forge, or on the anvil; by trials God is shaping us for higher things. Author: Henry Ward Beecher In His infinite wisdom, God allows trials in order to develop perseverance in us and to cause us to fix our hopes on the glory that is yet to be revealed... Our faith and perseverance can grow only under the pain of trial. Author: Jerry Bridges Trials always change our relationship with God. Either they drive us to Him, or they drive us away from Him. The extent of our fear of Him and our awareness of His love for us determine in which direction we will move. Author: Jerry Bridges Anger and bitterness are two noticeable signs of being focused on self and not trusting Gods sovereignty in your life. When you believe that God causes all things to work together for good to those who belong to Him and love Him, you can respond to trials with joy instead of anger or bitterness. Author: John C. Broger Every person in the world, including yourself, will encounter various trials throughout life. Satan seeks to defeat you by tempting you to trust your own wisdom, to live according to your self-centered feelings, and to gratify the desires of your flesh. In contrast, Gods will is for you to be an overwhelming conqueror in all of these tests for His honor and glory. Author: John C. Broger Trials are medicines which our gracious and wise physician prescribes because we need them; and he proportions the frequency and weight of them to what the case requires. Author: John Newton It is necessary that our sharpest trials should sometimes spring from our dearest comforts, else we should be in danger of forgetting ourselves and setting up our rest here. Author: John Newton A measure of trials is necessary for the exercise and manifestation of your graces; to give you a more convincing proof of the truth and sweetness of the promises made to a time of affliction; to mortify the body of sin; and to wean you more effectually from the world. Author: John Newton Source: Letters. Topics: Trials Faith upholds a Christian under all trials, by assuring him that every painful dispensation is under the direction of his Lord; that chastisements are a token of His love; that the season, measure, and continuance of his sufferings, are appointed by Infinite Wisdom, and designed to work for his everlasting good; and that grace and strength shall be afforded him, according to his need. Author: John Newton It belongs to your calling of God as a minister, that you should have a taste of the various spiritual trials which are incident to the Lords people, that thereby you may know how to speak a word in season to them that are weary; and it is likewise needful to keep you perpetually attentive to that important admonition, Without Me ye can do nothing. Author: John Newton
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 14:43:15 +0000

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