Quran TheQuran, sometimes spelledKoran, ( Arabic:القرآن) is - TopicsExpress


Quran TheQuran, sometimes spelledKoran, ( Arabic:القرآن) is the holy bookof Islam. The Quran is considered by Muslimsto be The Word of Allah( God). This book is different from other religioustexts in that it is believed to be written directly by God, through the prophet Muhammad. Some Muslims call it theFinal Testament. It has been written and read only in Arabicfor more than 1,400 years. But, because many Muslims around the world do not understand Arabic, the meaning of the Quran is also given in other languages, so that readers can understand better what the Arabic words in the Quran mean. These books are like dictionariesto the Quran - they are not read as part of the religion of Islam, to replace the Arabic Quran. Muslims believe that these translations are not the true Quran; only the Arabic copy is the true Quran. [1]The Quran is used with the hadith to interpret sharia law. History The first chapter of the Quran. This page is written in Arabic Muslims believe the Quran was first revealed to Muhammad by the archangel Gabrielin a caveon the mountainof Hirain Mecca, and then over a period of twenty-three years until his death. The Quran was not written all together in book-form while Muhammadwas alive; it was kept by oral communication and brief written records. The prophet did not know how to read nor write, but according to Muslims, the prophets friend Abu Bakr, among others, used to write the texts on something when Muhammadwas alive. When Abu Bakr was caliph, he had the Quran written down as a book. Uthman, who was the third caliph, further refined its written format. The Elements, Suras, Verses, Revelations There are 30 parts in the Quran, which make 114 suras ( chapters). Each sura has a different number of verses. According to the Muslim teachings[ source?], 86 of these suras took place in Mecca, 24 of these suras took place in Medina. The suras which took place in Medinaare Al-Baqara, Al Imran, Al-Anfal, Al-Ahzab, Al-Maida, An-Nisa, Al-Mumtahina, Az-Zalzala, Al-Hadid, Muhammad, Ar-Rad, Ar-Rahman, At-Talaq, Al-Bayyina, Al-Hashr, An-Nasr, An-Nur, Al-Hajj, Al-Munafiqun, Al-Mujadila, Al-Hujraat, At-Tahrim, At-Taghabun, Al-Jumua, As-Saff, Al-Fath, At-Tawba, Al-Insan. The First And Last Verse The first verse revealed is: Read (commencing) with the Name of Allah, Who has created (everything). He created man from a hanging mass (clinging) like a leech (in the mother’s womb). Read and your Lord is Most Generous, Who taught man (reading and writing) by the pen, Who (besides that) taught man (all that) which he did not know. [2] The last verse revealed is: Who believe! fulfil (all) obligations. Lawful unto you (for food) are all four-footed animals. Dead meat, blood, pig, any food which has been blessed by a (false) godother than Allah; an animal whose death resulted from strangulation, bludgeoning, arrows, falling, or bloodloss; an animal which was partly consumed by a wild animal or an animal which is sacrificed on a stone altar are forbidden. However, if faced with starvation, exceptions are allowed.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 04:11:38 +0000

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