R.I.P. ROBIN WILLIAMS... As a big fan of Robin since his Mork - TopicsExpress


R.I.P. ROBIN WILLIAMS... As a big fan of Robin since his Mork and Mindy days, I was in shock as so many others were about his death...A comic genius and brilliant actor seemingly full of life and love and passion suddenly gone..But as they say, It goes to show you never can tell...Another successful celebrity seemingly having it all has taken a fall...It seems this illness is no respecter of persons and tragically the signs are ignored or passed off until something like this happens..Hopefully it will renew awareness and spark conversation and debate and lead to good for others...Be aware of the symptoms, and aware of those around you that might need help...Our biggest weakness is not knowing when we ourselves need help and not being able to admit it...I know from firsthand experience and have recently been trying to convince a life time friend of mine to seek advice, counsel and help..If you know of someone in a tough situation, reach out and be a friend if nothing else and listen to them and reassure them its OK to seek help...We all need a little help along the way from time to time !!! I have suffered from bipolar disorder (formerly manic depression and the name of a great song by Jimi Hendrix) for most if not all of my life...At first, I thought I was just having a bad day now or suffering teenage angst and anxiety, or just lamenting about things not going as well as I would like and things would get better..This was interspersed with periods of manic behavior when I felt I could do no wrong and was invincible !!! Being Mr.Fun or the Wild and Crazy Guy and the life of the party one day followed by times when I went to sleep hoping I didnt wake up and waking up wishing I hadnt.. Then several years ago, after several life changing situations and personal, emotional, mental and physical, financial losses, I bottomed out and ended up in a hospital under a suicide watch with seemingly no hope to be able to wrecover from the hole I had dug for myself...But just like it is never too early to start planning your life and never too late to change it unless the things you need to change kill you, the faith that was instilled in me as a child by my mother saved my life..And I began to rebuild my life slowly but surely..When I was in the hospital, I asked to see a priest...A few hours later this elderly priest showed up..But it turned out he was there for the same thing...He felt his life was over because he was going blind and deaf and would no longer be able to serve Mass or help people..Well, ironically, (God works in mysterious ways) I ended up counseling him all night but through the advice I gave him I realized I should be listening to it myself !!! Over time, I realized there was a light at the end of the tunnel and it wasnt always a train coming at me !!! But from that point on I began Running from the Darkness and although I relapsed a couple of times since then and I still struggle daily, I continue to take small steps and a big leap of faith now and then to push myself and test myself...So I begin each and every day with a prayer and hope and this song I wrote several years ago from the bottom looking up is a wreminder of where I was and where I need to be and what I need to do.. wremember to wrock and wroll and wreflect and wrespond wresponsibly....wrecks (rex) a prayer in times of trouble im not a preacher or a teacher or a prophet or a king im not one of those who can do most anything i try to do the best i can each and every day and it never hurts to ask the Lord for a little help along the way i dont know all the answers to what or when or how or why and i cant explain all the mysteries of life whether in the dark of night or in the light of day it doesnt hurt to ask the Lord for a little help along the way i may never write a novel or win the nobel prize and when i find myself in trouble its then i realize it doesnt matter what ive done or what ill do today it never hurts to ask the Lord for a little help along the way wrecks (rex) youtu.be/RDooM-U-hEc?list=UUgBF0MA_GFEm6q6QvI-tTmw
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 20:45:07 +0000

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