RACISM IN AMERICA SINCE THE ELECTION OF BARACK H. OBAMA Since the election of Barack H.Obama,racism has escalated to new heights.Blacks have been brutalized & killed by local law enforcement.These acts of violence have been perpetrated by White officers.Black unarmed men have been targeted by cowardly White officers of the law. Excessive force has become the norm,when it comes to Blacks even woman.When complaints are filed against these officers,the victim rarely receives justice.This is due to more Racism being practiced by the justice system.White people are being treated very differently when they have encounters with law enforcement. Ive yet to see a case where Black officers have brutalized or killed a White unarmed man or woman.The nations media also has a intricate part in this,by the way they report and distort the story of what really happened in such incidents.This is 2014 yet this kind of blatant Racism,has the remnants of the 60s during the Civil Rights Movement.Voting rights of Black folks tampered with by racist who will do whatever they have too.To prevent Blacks in certain states from voting,creating bogus rules for ID,intimidation,etc.Racism uses sellout Blacks for their racist agenda.These are the the Blacks who infiltrate Black Movements.And pretend to be part of the movement.Black America is under attack by Americas own citizens who are racist.Young Black men going to prison at a astronomical rate.Racism has always been prevalent in America,never has it been this overt since slavery.Blacks suffering from poverty,unemployment,etc.,caused by Racism.The election of a Black man to highest office in America has really angered Racism in America.Racism is so angry that if some of their own suffers,its just collateral damage to them.Black folks its time to pull out the blueprints from the 60s Civil Rights Movement,modify them and put them to use to combat racism in America.Blacks must be critical thinkers in the quest for equality,proactive not reactive.Its time to be unpredictable not predictable.Its time once again for a serious Black Peoples Movement against Racism and its horrendous agenda.No more standing by while racist incident after incident against Black folk continues to climb. President Obama will be in office until 2016,God willing.Black folk must act now,by strategy-zing & utilizing ways to combat Racism in America. I charge you Black America to stand up for what is right and best for our culture.We must believe as a majority not as a minority.Boycotts & Sit-ins work,time to put them to real use.We must send a message of no more attacks on our rights as citizens of America. Racism is not in fear of us,nor should we be in fear of Racism.We must not be reckless in our thinking and actions against Racism,cause Racism is counting on it. That Black folk will be unorganized.Racism is afraid of God,so may God lead us spiritually.........No Violence-Know Peace
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 21:35:35 +0000

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