RACISM MUST BE CONDEMNED IN ALL RAMIFICATIONS [ON INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR THE ELIMINATION OF RACISM] _Godspower Igwe_ A Little Reminder Back in the days, at school, we came across the cliché, ‘allemania ubber` alis’, a German line, which when translated, means, ‘Germany is world’s super’. This translation (which in spelling, I might be corrected), also was seen by the ordinary German as a push for one to think they were the most superior of all races all over the world. It is/was not farfetched when Germany took up arms against the whole world; they had actually tested their might. But, I also recalled the wise saying that, “might is not power”. I will not go far via historical perspectives to highlight dangers which racism has plunged the world into, but, I will be quick here, to say it will be an understatement to posit that racism is/was responsible for the numerous damages which the world community has been made to endure. Introduction The entire world community on the 21st Day of March does observe the INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR THE ELIMINATION OF RACISM. This is put in place to curb any excess inclination towards thinking that one’s own race is superior to that of other persons in the community. To prove the import of this day, we hear the United Nations Secretary General, Mr. Ban Ki Moon, say “Today, as we mark International Day for the Elimination of Racism, we must all act against and discourage all persuasions and comments that set to divide humanity than unite it...” Racism is a cancer which pays no good to humanity and we must all put our hands on deck to extirpate it. Racism is responsible for most harm that has been perpetrated against fellow humans by other members of the community. Racism; an anti-people ideology Racism is an offshoot of the ‘isms’ bedeviling our world community. Their like are, fanaticism, religious extremism, political jingoism, male/female chauvinism, terrorism, etc. Racism is not humanism, neither is it nationalism nor patriotism. Racism is a disease plaguing humanity. Racism alienates man from man, and alienates man by man. Racism severs fellow brothers/sisters from the act of loving and caring. Racism is a counter to what many scholars of true humanity stand for. Professor Nke Gabriel Otakpor says, “We all belong to that supra-community called Humanity...” This position is an antithesis to racism, but many a people, especially present humanity, are given to racism; in sports, politics, church, economics, culture and history, and so many more, we find racism. The world; our continent, country, regional state, et al, cannot survive in the reign of racism, which bears much lethargy than global terrorism, disease and war. Racism and Nigeria Racism was responsible (if you critically view it) for the moves behind the civil war that engulfed and claimed millions of Nigerians shortly after an ‘unnecessary independence’ from British Colonial rule. This is similar to what happened in Rwanda, where Hutis and Tutsis were engaged in blood bath sometime in 1994- too bad. If Nigeria doesn’t place a check on the way things are going, I fear, racism may gradually eat the entire fabric of our national existence, to the extent that a Nigerian would turn a beast to a fellow Nigerian. In this case, I pray, the National Conference yields a fruitful result. Nigerians and all races of South, East, North and West origins must eschew every divisive tendency and pray for unity, even as they work it out, since racism has now assumed content for our political, social, cultural, and sundry persuasions. Like the UN High Chief did say, “we (Nigerians) must all act against, and discourage all persuasions and comments that set to divide (us) humanity than unite [it]...” SAY NO TO RACISM!
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 18:45:11 +0000

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