RACISM, THE WHITE SUPREMACIST SYSTEM & COLONISATION I find it difficult to engage in discussions about RACISM. Because I find them to be pointless. Because they achieve absolutely nothing. Because racism is a SYMPTOM of a much bigger problem, namely THE WHITE SUPREMACIST SYSTEM. A very well organised & institutionalised system. That in itself is a part of and an extremely effective TOOL of a much bigger crime, namely EUROPEAN COLONISATION of AFRIKA. RACISM This is NOT meant to trivialise the pain of racism. But rather to put it in context. People often discuss racism because racism by its nature is overt, obvious, not disguised & reckless in the way that it disrespects you & stirrs-up your emotions. Racism is often represented by racist Actions & Words. Which stirrs-up peoples emotions to a point where they DEMAND action to be taken against the perpetrators. Whenever corrective action is taken against the perpetrators it tends to be Symptom Relieving in its nature. In that it seeks to restore Equality, Reconciliation & Non-Racialism. All which provide a temporary escapism from the pain of racism WITHOUT even coming close to eradicating its ROOT CAUSES. Namely, COLONISATION. Even worse a discussion about racism opens the door for European Settlers to claim to also.be victims of racism. Which technically they can legitimately claim. However much their claim trivialises AFRIKAN SUFFERING. COLONISATION & THE WHITE SUPREMACIST SYSTEM. European Settlers came to Afrika UNINVITED centuries ago. And proceeded to Rape, Murder & Strip Afrikans of ALL their Land, vast Mineral Wealth, Livestock, Livelihood & Dignity. Confining Afrikan people to a miserable life of drowning in a horrible slew of abuse, exploitation, hopelessness, ravaged by wars, famine, slavery, poverty, disease, squalor, rape, murder, destitute, dehumanized, uneducated, unskilled, unemployable, living like refugees in their own land for centuries. To keep Afrika COLONISED & maintain DOMINION over Afrika for centuries like that European Settlers created & put to use THE WHITE SUPREMACIST SYSTEM as its most effective TOOL for advancing the cause of EUROPEAN COLONISATION of Afrika for centuries. THE WHITE SUPREMACIST SYSTEM Is a well organised, institutionalised & extremely effective tool of colonisation. It operates in a highly clandestine, covert, calculating, subliminal & very careful manner. Unlike racism it does NOT draw attention to itself. It operates as an underground network that affects all areas of life. All sectors of the economy. At an individual persons level it affects the spiritual, personal, physical, family, economic & social areas of your life. It works relentlessly & tirelessly 24/7 using any & every trick, lie, deception, tool(media, religion, education), persons & organizations(the ANC) that it has at its disposal. To totally BLIND the Afrikan people to its very EXISTENCE in the first place. So as to allow it to carry out its evil intent undisturbed. Secondly it totally BLINDS Afrikans to THEIR TRUE IDENTITY, HISTORY & HERITAGE. Leaving them with a confused half-Afrikan, half-White, half-AmeriAKKKan identity. That paralyses and riddles them with Inferiority, Insecurity & Sel-hatred. So BLINDED that they totally LACK INSIGHT into & lose the ability to LINK any of their problems created by colonisation with their underlying ROOT CAUSE namely COLONISATION. Instead they would consider each problem individually in isolation and come up with symptom relieving solutions that do NOT even attempt to eradicate the root causes. Most importantly THE WHITE SUPREMACIST SYSTEM severs to CREATE SUPPLY & DEMAND for COLONISATION. By creating & perpetuating the Problems of Afrika and offering itself as the only viable Solution. IT IS ONLY BY FOCUSING OUR ATTENTION ON ERADICATING THE WHITE SUPREMACIST SYSTEM & COLONISATION THAT WE CAN TRULY FREE OURSELVES.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 16:32:10 +0000

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