RAILA, MY HERO, BUT KINDLY TAKE A REST. It needs no telling - TopicsExpress


RAILA, MY HERO, BUT KINDLY TAKE A REST. It needs no telling that the good, old man is approaching his evening, quite an illustrious career it has been, and he should do it in style. You see,Raila Amollo Odinga cannot be the president, not in the sense of an indicted president or the beleaguered 48 hours president, he cannot be like Kibaki,moi and Mzee Jomo yet in the midst of all these, he stands tallest as a patriot who led Kenya to political pluralism, watched her take baby steps towards democracy and eventually helped it acquire a new constitution, It wasn’t without a price though, and the scar has refused to heal.Friends,I can vouch for this, when Raila looks at how far Kenya has come, how imminently she has detoured from democracy, he feels the urge to cleanse it anew, he feels the urge to relive the 90s of blood and guts, and that is where the problem begins. The problem with a politician with such a solid core is that its always war to the death. It always ends with a diminished legacy and a frustrated politician. Baba, or baba Fidel if you may, is not as old as detractors may want to make us believe, in fact, he’s proportionally in the right age if Plato’s philosopher king mantra is anything to go by. His physical appearance should not deceive you, that, we accrue to several years of detention and almost a many years of political service. He has been in government and in the trenches; in both fields he demonstrated a remarkable proficiency in the mechanics of politics. Need I mention that he has been a wonderful husband and father? To this great tribune, no words are sufficient to historicize him. Whenever I mention his name my eyes get teary and I’m certain that they will always be teary for as long as such a name is mentioned. He has inspired many, no wonder his followers lionize him come what may. One question always sticks in the craw though, how can a man who has labored so much for his country, sacrificed his life to unite desperate and disparate tribes, how can such a man fall victim to something he vociferously fought against? I love Raila too much, its for this reason that I insist on the right to criticize him perpetually, I owe him the truth.Baba, kindly take a rest. You have reached your watershed moment. If you continue to fight, you will be vanquished, for how can a kamikaze (Second World War Japanese suicide bomber) match the destructive power of a modern US drone? You are not a spent force yet, but you will soon be, if you refuse to hang up your boots. Its time to say adios! Just as Shakespeare aptly put it, many centuries ago, ‘a time comes when the main actor has to exit the stage…’ That is all you owe us. Surprise us ooh master of political masterstrokes. People, I write this way because you can never diminish the contribution of this great Kenyan. It transcends tribe, creed, cult etc. etc, it transcends any known human parameters. William Ruto, Uhuru Kenyatta, if only they could look back and realize that the dream has always been and will continue to be, A COMMON KENYAN DESTINY, A COUNTRY UNITED BY ITS LEADERSHIP. House of Mumbi, if only you could realize that even after Tom Mboya, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, we’re still willing to cooperate. We do not need a war for everyone to know that a politics premised on sectarianism, tribalism and exclusion always ends in the bloodiest of ways. How can government demand subservience from the people it subjugates? “I don’t write to be liked, particularly, I’d like to be understood”.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 06:59:03 +0000

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