RAILA PLANS MAJOR ODM SHAKE-UP Thursday, November 28, 2013 - - TopicsExpress


RAILA PLANS MAJOR ODM SHAKE-UP Thursday, November 28, 2013 - 00:00 -- BY STAR TEAM Cord leaders Raila Odinga waves to the crowd on Sunday at Migori County Stadium during a tour at the county that culminated into home coming party of Suna East MP Junet Mohamed Cord leaders Raila Odinga waves to the crowd on Sunday at Migori County Stadium during a tour at the county that culminated into home coming party of Suna East MP Junet Mohamed DEPUTY LEADER: Hassan Joho DEPUTY LEADER: Hassan Joho CHAIRMAN: Kenneth Marende CHAIRMAN: Kenneth Marende VICE CHAIR: Adan Keynan VICE CHAIR: Adan Keynan ODM leader Raila Odinga is planning radical changes to revamp his party. According to multiple party sources, Raila wants to introduce fresh blood but also retain some experienced party leaders. There are 27 official positions within the party and they are likely be distributed according to how much support ODM enjoys in each region. ODM is like Barcelona which has Messi but has now brought in a new young star in the name of Neymar. The party wants to have a blend of both the young and old, said a veteran ODM member. The regions that supported Raila in the last election will be rewarded with plum jobs, according to those crafting the list. The party elections are likely to be held in February 2014. The new look ODM will be unveiled early next year. What we are doing now is caucusing so that we go into elections to just confirm what we would have agreed on. The final list will have the face of Kenya, said an MP privy to the planned changes. The party wants to separate parliamentary from party leadership so MPs who hold positions in Parliament will not be allowed to stand for party positions. Parliamentary leaders include Deputy Minority Leader Jakoyo Midiwo, Public Investment Committee chairman Aden Keynan and Public Accounts Committee chairman Ababu Namwamba. Raila will also work with his fellow Cord principals Kalonzo Musyoka and Moses Wetangula to strengthen the coalition voice in Parliament. The Star has obtained the list of proposed new party leaders. According to the list, Raila will remain party leader but a new position of Deputy Party Leader will be created and given to Mombasa governor Ali Hassan Joho. A second Party leader position may be created for Nairobi governor Evans Kidero. Since entering Parliament in 2007, Johos star has been rising within ODM because many MPs like him and he can afford to finance party activities. Kidero is also seen as a strong future ODM leader because of his wealth and position as Nairobi governor. Those pushing for Kidero argue that leaving the governor out of the party leadership would make it easy for Jubilee to woo him to their side before the 2017 elections. Former Speaker Kenneth Marende has been slated to replace Henry Kosgei as ODM chairman. Since Marende comes from western Kenya, Ababu Namwamba will keep his leadership position in Parliament but MP Paul Otuoma will get an ODM party position. Western Kenya voted overwhelmingly for Raila in March. Next months Bungoma senator by election will see whether Musalia Mudavadi can regain any support among the Luhya through his backing for Musikari Kombo. Raila is backing Wetangula. As ODM Secretary General, Marende will have two deputies, a man and a woman. Aden Keynan has been identified as a possible candidate for one vice chair but he would have to give up his committee chairmanship in Parliament. The other seat has been reserved for a yet to be identified woman from Eastern Kenya. Siaya Senator James Orengo has been proposed to replace Kisumu senator Anyang Nyongo as ODM Secretary General and he too will have two deputies. Mombasa MP Mishi Juma has been proposed as one deputy along with someone else from Rift Valley. Suna East MP Junet Mohammed, the only Somali elected in Nyanza, is a likely candidate for Organising Secretary as he is reported to have Railas ear. However there are those who argue that the Organising Secretary position should go to a Maasai or a Kamba. The idea to ensure that our support bases in Rift Valley and coast are rewarded and represented in the national office, said a source. Rift Valley has also been allocated the position of ODM Executive Director which is currently held by Magerer Lagat while central Kenya has been given the position Deputy Executive Director presently held by Rosemary Kariuki. - See more at: the-star.co.ke/news/article-145297/raila-plans-major-odm-shake#sthash.wCTaVuDb.dpuf
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 07:55:25 +0000

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