RANDOM RAMBLE: Bobbys Classification of Facebook Likes Ive - TopicsExpress


RANDOM RAMBLE: Bobbys Classification of Facebook Likes Ive been on Facebook for quite some time (2014 is my fifth year here) and I have made an observation on how people (or at least for those who had been visible to me) behave when it comes to giving Likes on different kinds of stuff we see here, including those I have posted. These things vary from a simple Good Morning greetings, photo and video of someones newborn baby, cooked goodies (usually labelled with for pre-order), gadgets, cars, music or gag videos, wedding photos, someones latest selfie, to virtually anything one can share online. Regardless if the post is an original content or just grabbed from somewhere on the internet, the Like it gets has more meaning than the word itself. 1. The Accidental Like I know deep in my heart that Im not the only one who commits this. In my case, it happens when I accidentally click or tap the LIKE button (the latter is more frequent as I browse FB more often on tablet/phone than desktop PC). The thing is when this happens, youll find yourself guiltily thinking: Should I un-like it? Most of the time, out of courtesy, I just keep it and assume I did like it. 2. The Genuine Like Your post was seen and has hit the likers nerve in a good way. It may be because the person enjoyed or felt happy about it, or has truly appreciated what you have shared. While this one may not be simple to validate, it helps identify a genuine like if you know the liker on a personal level (his/her relationship to you, attitude and character). Likewise, if your post is re-shared then that implies the same. 3. The Solicited Like Someone told someone to like something for some purpose it will serve and it was somehow done. Pretty straightforward. Specially nowadays where Facebook Likes is a new metric for many contests and competitions. Your Pinoy solicitor will pop up on your chatbox with Pa-like po! Thanks! 4.The Pervert Like There is that moment when I open up my Facebook Newsfeed and the latest update tells me that one of my male FB friends has liked a photo of a celebrity in bikini (or the lack thereof). Or think of a girl whose latest just-woke-up selfie (showing her pouted lips and some skin around her sternum & clavicle area, captioned Huhu! Eyebags!) gets 397 likes within 20 minutes after it was posted. Theres a fine line between appreciation and perversion. Specially with that line as thin as a g-string. If you tell me that when you liked the latest FHM cover photo you simply were amazed with the cover girls hardwork in getting her toned figure, Ill piss on your feet. 5. The Unconditional/Irrational Like I believe that only family and some true friends can give one an unconditional love. Similarly, these people can also give unconditional likes where they dont really care whether your post makes sense or not. They just like it in the same way they love you as a person. Or in some cases, because you rarely post anything in Facebook. 6. The Fan Like Well, for the famous, this one comes easy. Like the Unconditional Like, this one is given freely by a fan to the posts of the entitly being followed. The being fan sort of overrides logic and reasoning that may stop one from liking it. 7. The Self Like Your post, your like. Even after reading a few articles about this, I still dont know why people do it. There could be many reasons but it will be tedious to drill down. Its awkward anyways. 8. The Like-O-Rama When you open up Facebook and found 100 notifications just a couple of hours from the last time you logged in, theres a fat chance that those were triggered by one person who happened to have stumbled on one of your Photo Albums. Specially if the album is about an important event (wedding, birthday party, Child Christening, travel/vacation, school activity, corporate affair, etc), one could expect a number of likes in it. These likes can be a conglomerate of all or some of the classes mentioned above. While giving and getting likes is an inevitable part of social media, it should not be a measure of ones worth in real world. Nor should it be an index of how many people care about you. Besides, theres only one Thumbs Up we need in life - and that is from HIM. Thanks for reading! :)
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 07:28:27 +0000

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