RANDOM SUNDAY THOUGHTS FROM A LAYMAN IN FOOD. 1. there is connection between the consumption of animal proteins and the level of the insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) in the body. watch- when youre eating processed carbohydrates that cause your sugars to go up, this will spike your insulin, for the majority of people. thats when your body releases igf1 and 2. thats when the best thing feeding cancer cells is animal protein. processed carbohydrates combine with too much animal protein promote cancer. in my opinion. repeat: higher protein diets result in higher levels of IGF-1. Studies have shown that increased levels of IGF lead to increased growth of existing cancer cells. Dietary interventions and modifications such as vegan diets regulate IGF-1 activity and have been associated with lower risk of cancer. the temporary positive effects that seem to follow a paleo type diet are incidental because those diets simultaneously promote the elimination of processed foods, in particular processed concentrated carbohydrates. so, for a short time, on a high protein diet without the processed carbs, most people see an improvement. new thought whenever you leave out the processed foods, youre going to survive, youre not necessarily going to thrive, but you will do ok. new thought you really have to seek help from doctors and medical people who understand bio-chemistry from more than one angle: (the scientific angle). i meet too many doctors who will only follow something that has been proven by a double blind study conducted or a fabulous research paper done. This is expected and in most cases a good decision. in other cases, it slows or impedes progress. Ive met far too many doctors who do not know how to shoot from the hip and follow their own personal experiences and personal successes of people like me. im not suggesting in any way that people cannot be healthy eating a moderate amount of animal protein. that would be ridiculous. at the same time, we should think about the negative impact that too much protein has on our chemistry. its like sunshine. we need it to live, but too much of it causes us harm. the exception here is that you dont need animal protein to live, you can obtain all of the protein and other necessary nutrients from a plant-based diets. animal flesh is loaded with photo-estrogens and argo chemicals as well. these things can not be dismissed. and will be the topic of another ranting. animal protein and animal fats are a very poor source of energy. dont be fooled by spikes in energy, they are always followed by reciprocal crashes. when anyone shows key tones burning up in their blood, theyre burning fats instead of carbohydrates, which may not be an efficient way to go. sounds great if you want to lose fat. its just not optimal for health and longevity. lastly, let me once again mention the UNHOLY EVIL ALLIANCE which is processed carbohydrates combined with animal protein. in my opinion a recipe for growing cancer. in my opinion. = get sick fast. new topic 2. FRUIT, starchy and non-starchy vegetables are crucial for their nutrients. and most people do very well with these in a juice format. the argument that raw juices are bad because the fiber is removed is not a universal argument for everyones chemistry. there may be some validity to parts of the argument but not for the reason usually mentioned. remember, the juices are not meant to function in place of whole food diet; rather, they are either for juice cleanses or for supplements to a whole food plant-based diet. lets talk about orange juice. a toxic person may feel light headed if they drank several glasses of raw orange juice or raw cold pressed grape juice, for example. but not always. and not only for the reasons of blood sugar level spiking. there are many factors that could make a toxic person feel badly if they drank too much raw organic juice. the pasteurized orange is really only a sugar drink where they add back color and flavor, legally. its no where near freshly squeezed oj. THE DISCUSSION of why pasteurized juices and or HPP are better or worse than raw juices is now raging in my industry. it all comes down to the altering or denaturing the enzymes, destroying them in the heat or pressure processes. these enzymes are the key to life and the life forces in the juices. the juices are sterile and in my opinion this sterility reduces the juices powerful positive, not negative, impact on our immunological systems. and heres my newest discovery: the heat pasteurized juices dont spoil in part because the natural enzymes, which would ordinarily ripen and then rot the fruit, are denatured. these enzymes effect your own chemistrys ability to balance the natural sugars effect on your chemistry. when the juice has been altered in this way and it mixes with your chemistry and your digestive juices, it will effect you like a processed sugar. the vitamins may be intaken, but the effect on your chemistry may not be a positive - it wont be the same as with raw juice. theres absolutely no paperor double blind study on this, but i assure you its coming soon. i dont advocate someone drink 32 ounces or 10 glass of oj a day. someone drinking 17 ounces of oj in a day usually does excellent. in most cases, even without the fiber, it wont spike the sugar short term or long term. new thought if someone were hyper concerned with blood sugar, drink raw fruit juice mixed with green juices to lower the glycemic index or average the GI over the fruit and the greens. or when drinking raw carrot juice which contains glucose not fructose, if you are concerned, eat a few celery sticks if you want the fiber. or you can simply dilute your fruit or starchy juices with water. remember Im not advocating that people with disease drink fruit juices - Im covering my back by stating that my beliefs pertain to normal and healthy people. the juice is powerful and often we want this power. some doctors dont like it. my experience has shown me that people with blood sugar level problems, insulin resistance, type one or two diabetes, actually do very well with raw fruit juice in the context of them trying to clean up their diets, they do fabulous with raw juices.....in my experience. there are too many variables to make formulaic paradigm. type one diabetics who burn a lot of calories through exercise are different than those who are sedentary. some people do better with raw smoothies. but thats mostly in context of a fast that includes mostly juice and smoothies. new thought the most ludicrous argument Ive been trying to battle since god knows how long is the idea that your liver doesnt detox unless there are amino acids present, suggested by some that you can do a detox unless you continue to eat protein. ha. FYI, there are always trace amounts of amino acids present in the liver, and whats more the body has all it needs to detox itself if you absolutely get out of your own way. you dont need supplements or a specific diet to detox - whoever believes that amino acids are required is ridiculous - even from a scientific perspective. if your body needs amino acids it can pull it from fat cells. thanks for reading, marcus antebi - ceo
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 01:08:12 +0000

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