RANDOM Things That I remember about Waycross Life (for me at - TopicsExpress


RANDOM Things That I remember about Waycross Life (for me at least) from 1986-1995...and maybe a few after...lol 1) Carie Woodard pulling my pants down in 1st grade (on the playground in front of everyone) 2) Amber Carrin (please dont be mad) helped me to say my first cuss word at at that tree between the gym and lunchroom. YEARS after that I also remember her slumber party being the first time I ever wore mascara...and I woke up with my eyes stuck together! ( I still believe that was the best sleep over ever!) 3) Victoria James had the best hair and biggest booty and was a goodie goody two shoes whom I still love with all my heart and respect for her resolve then and now! 4Marla Page DeLoach & T.G.I.F. (yes this was a series of shows that we all watched BUT)....there was a boy who moved to our school system ( I believe in 6th grade and evry single one of us went CRAZY over him! Marla came up with the secret code of TGIF so that we didnt have to write Timothy Griffis is FINE....all over our notebooks. 5) Mary Bowman you were the strongest (inside) person I had ever met & the Funniest! You mom is still one of the absolute sweetest souls I have ever met! 6) I remember getting MR James fired (in Fourth Grade) for not letting us go pee...and we got a young teacher Mrs, James as our new teacher and had tons of pizza parties! 7) KEDS & K-Swiss...white ones 8) Duck Head everything & then it was some store in the mall that had dark colored jeans that matched shirts...crazy I know 9) I bought my first Tape (that I picked out) from the store in the mall ...WREX N Effex rump Shaker 10) Jennie Franzen Davis taught me how to dance at the very first one I ever went to. I believe it was that Janet Jackson head snakey thingy...lol...and as far as she and her sister Fancy Franzen go...I have a million memories of yall...my favorite being a hole in one egg & toast breakfast meal that i learned to cook at your house. It was literally the first time anyone had ever let me cook by myself! And Jennie also taught me that if you put on lotion as soon as you get out of the shower it locks in the moisture! 11) FREEZE TAG in 6th grade!!! Oh my good Lord in heaven...best GAME EVER! except...dodge ball...oh and tether ball...and FOUR SQUARE! 12) I remember that we were the first 6th graders to make that trail out behind Wacona .....We were also the fist Freshman class at the NEW ( for me it still is called The NEW lol) Ware County High School 13) FIELD DAY....holy cow.....REAL field Day....the shirts...the games...the COMPETITION! Oh my...that lovely crazy day every year..Chad Thrift it seems like yo always won all the races... 14) Growing up with all of you... Tara Crosby Morrison, Christy Bell Dowling, Christy Eblin Norton, Kelli Steverson Ragle Abby Pittman Sweat Mandy Pitts Amanda Scurry Harris Brian Smith Danlyn Braddy-Mulkey Rebecca Karle Crosby Kimberly Ardoyno Tanner Mary Ann Chaney Mary Ann Carter Brandi Boyette White Brandi Simpson McMillan and many...so many more... 15) Nikki Kiser Thrift...our Neighborhood Pebble Hill ...you werent just a friend...you were family! Forts, clubs, dirt wars, four wheeling, and so many country songs! My first dirt roads ( on a bike) were down the road to your house. Bless your mama for putting up with our crazy dramatic selves! 16) Leslie Soley Smith and DR Dre...every single word..lol..I have every memory of the beginning of my teenage self with you! I do believe you helped my husband and I get together...of course it was all to make Rick Hall jealous! LOL wow...I am so sure that was the most wonderful time of my starting to ride in cars with boys life! 17) Riding around town was THE ONLY thing to do! maybe a movie here & there...but McDs parking lot was where the cool kids were.... 18) You either went skating at Kirklands OR at Kings Roller Skating rink AND it was AWESOME...(I still to this day have never seen the inside of Kings) 19) Jake Nasworthy...oh if i could write all the things,,,lol...but our children may end up seeing this one day. I remember that you were my first love...and I know that you will be my last! (Mainly i know this because I have warned you of the consequences...lol...you know...I will not get divorced...I will plead crazy and get away with it...) 20) If I didnt tag you...it means that I love you too...I just got carried away typing this and was looking at names on my right (Facebook you know?) and I am sure I will say oh crap and tag you in the many comments to come!! ...Many of us grew apart...moved away....got mad as hell at each other...started hanging with different groups,... had kids,....broke up...got divorced...all kids of crazy stuff. BUT in some form or fashion you have all touched my life...and should yall ever need me...for listening, football watching, Mexican food therapy sessions, or just someone to go OH yeah...I remember that with....I got ya...Jesus Loves ya....and we seriously need a School Reunion with Like the classes of 97,98, and 99 (Cause we intermingled later in life & some of had more book sense that others!)
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 16:36:32 +0000

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