RANT 2 of15..I will call this one,MLK and the f**kin c**t. At - TopicsExpress


RANT 2 of15..I will call this one,MLK and the f**kin c**t. At 10:15 this morn (MLK day) a VERY nice Audi pulled up in front of city hall. Tinted windows,chrome rims...decked out....Out jumps a beautiful young black lady...early 20s. As she hits the first step, I say...Hey. Theyre closed today. Oh...okay...thank you ,was her reply. The chick driving,rolls the window down, and while staring me down,yells..What he say? The young lady repeated and she, while talking to her friend,said WAY loud..while staring at me..(quotes mean something here) I hates Martin Lutter King day. Everthang closed sept stuff nobody cares about.Well, folks...a million things rushed through my mind..(in a nanoseconed), what came out was....What a f**kin c**t.It came out loud and clear.(No regrets) I dont have a racist bone in my body...I hate EVERYONE equally..but, it came to me that 80 years ago, her mouth would have got her killed. 70 years ago she couldnt have voted or raised a voice to a MAN,(black or white) 60 years ago, she couldnt have pulled up in front of city hall..much less walk through the main doors. A mere 50 years ago,black mayors, sheriffs, judges,etc. were unheard of in the south.Her sheer lack of vocabulary would have gotten her taunted and over all humiliated. Here we are, in15 with a black president,aldermen...you name it...because a man,with a vision and hope stood on the edge...and alas died because of beliefs that were TRUE and open.Not for black or white..but for men as a whole.Not because the white man owed him something. Not self-centered. A man with no sense of entitlement. Just a man that wanted a fair shake...for not just blacks....but all men....and you....and the future of America as a whole.All of you young c**ts that think whitey owes you...I owe you nothing...( Never owned a slave..and as far back as I can trace my family...it seems they,(not me or we) were in the fields as well)Today, I took more pride in what a black man stood for than these punks today will ever feel. I have friendsErnest C. Nobles Chiquita A. Tate and hundreds more Im proud to call my friends,because of their good heart,because of hard work,because of drive, because of achievment...not because of color, but because they are good people and I live in a day and age where I can witness success. A historical opening if you will where fair (could be) fair.I will no longer sit back and feel bad....I WILL call you a C**T because you think you have more coming to you than what you deserve.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 04:59:21 +0000

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