**RANT ALERT*** Things I can not stand! 1. People who can not - TopicsExpress


**RANT ALERT*** Things I can not stand! 1. People who can not reply to a msg or pick up the phone when you call. I mean I understand your busy, we all are! The least you can do is say, hey, Im sorry I cant talk right now because I am really busy!. Thats cool. 2. That brings me to the people who only contact you when they need/want something from you. Like, all of a sudden you have a billion msges/calls from them and your like, Oh, wow! Your ALIVE!! Jeez I thought you were dead or something because I can swear I msged you like 4 weeks ago and I know you read my msg. but never did I get a single reply! (all I wanted to know was if you were doing all right.) 3. Fake people. Please dont try and act like your my friend and then ten seconds later go behind my back and talk crap about me. No Bueno. 4. People who your trying to give really good advice to and your giving it from your heart and soul because you really want the best for them. You spend hours talking to them to get them on the right path and your not going to benefit from this in any way at all!! What do they do? In front of you, they are like, OMG! Thank you so much! I really appreciate you for giving me such great advice!!.....Afterwards, they start to think you had some other motive behind the great advice...SOMEHOW...I am going to benefit from you not losing your job, bf, or your mind!! REALLLYY PEOPLE?!?! 5. People that take advice as criticism and get offended if you tell them maybe you could change this to help improve something. I am not criticizing you or am I saying your wrong! Only saying something to you in the first place is because every two seconds your complaining and whining to me about this! 6. COMPLAINERS/ WHINERS! So, your going to complain and whine about this every two seconds but not do CRAP to change it. Honestly...just stop it! Oh my Allah, this list can go on and on and on! However, I just needed this out of my system for now.... :-/ SOWWIEEE!!! for the rant!!! :-/ NOW, Lets all be happy shappyyy cuz aint no body got time for this ish! :-D
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 01:21:49 +0000

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