RANT OF THE WEEK: THE DARK SIDE OF FAIRY TALES OK full disclosure, I hate (and I mean with a passion) fairy tales with princesses and princes. I cannot stand those stories and yet this horse manure is what is being peddled to our little girls by the likes of Disney. Seriously, could they not stop with all the princess stuff already? How about having female characters who have something more than a privileged birth to offer....how about some scientists, explorers, adventurers, farmer, teachers...anything else than this continuous ode to elitism and classism. I want our little girls to dream big not simply fantasize about some douchebag on a horse apparently coming to rescue them while they wait passively for said Prince Charming to show up. Even as a little girl, I hated those stories because they use to trouble me...a lot. I read most of them in french and while everyone kept saying those stories were apparently fairy tales all I got from it is that: A) Snow White was working as an indentured servant to escape an abusive relationship. B) Rapunzel was a captive serving a life-sentence in a maximum security facility. C) Sleeping Beauty was obviously a prime example of getting roofied. D) Ariel the little Mermaid most likely suffered from depression and committed suicide. E) Belle is a kidnapping victim suffering from Stockholm syndrome. Thats pretty freaking far from fairy tales if you ask me. The Disney versions of those tales are of course a lot more kids friendly but the main trope remains the same. Oh, and the fact that lately Disney decided to add some colour to its roster of princesses doesnt change the fact that this drivel should be kept as far away as possible from impressionable young minds. I am begging you parents, siblings and mentors try showing something different to the young girls in your lives. There are amazing books, comics and cartoons that do not fall into this genre and are both entertaining and informative.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 13:09:09 +0000

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