RANT ON// Even after more than five decades of living among other - TopicsExpress


RANT ON// Even after more than five decades of living among other people and cultures, I have yet to understand why some people cannot accept responsibility for their actions. I have made plenty of decisions throughout my life, some good and some bad; some I regret and some I still stand behind. Some people judge others without knowing all of the facts, and I suppose they always will. If there is one thing that I’ve learned in my 50+ years is that responding to these types of people when they broadcast their theories is pointless, because they have already constructed their own reality and it will not be changed. It is easier to blame something or someone rather than accept and admit that you have played a part in directing a situation down a specific path. In short, it is partly your own fault. If this concept offends you, then you should probably stop reading… I have little tolerance for people who cannot accept responsibility, less for thieves, and at the lowest rung of my “ladder”, liars. Which leads me to those individuals that revel in making themselves heard, especially in this day of the internet, when they know little of what has transpired and/or they fabricate little bits and pieces in order to make themselves look good and/or feel better about themselves and the situation they are mired within. They feel they must put their two cents in, regardless of the presence of any factual details. Apparently they have not lived among those of us who are responsible, because we all aware that two cents isn’t worth much more than the copper you hold in your hand in the real world and copper is dirt cheap, like them. In Texan terms, “They and their opinions ain’t worth a pitcher of warm spit on a hot day.” So, I hope all of you out there interacting with the big Wide World Web consider a few things in the future before you indiscriminately begin typing your words for the world to view… Who you are today, what influences in your life do you consider good and bad, and where do you see yourself in a few years. Responsibility is not to be taken lightly, nor is placing blame, without pointing to all of those involved, including yourself. If you are happy as you are now, then you are the person you shall be until the day you die. If you are not happy, then make the necessary changes. No one will have to make up things to say and lie about what type of person I was at my funeral. Furthermore, I don’t expect, nor will it bother me, if no one shows up. I am content with who I have become. I fully accept responsibility for my mistakes and errors that I have made throughout my life. I do not accept responsibility for the failures of others. I thank my family, my friends, and my associations for helping me to grow as a person. I thank my wife for having patience with me, because I am not an easy person to be with most of the time. In the end, it is my choice as to who and what I am and the type of person I have become. If you have any issues with me, be responsible, and speak to me directly. If you cannot muster the courage to do that, please don’t waste my time because I don’t have much remaining and what little I do, I want to spend with those whom I respect, admire, and know feel the same towards me. I do not judge others because it is not my place to do so. In the end, God is the only one who will pass judgment. Are you ready? RANT OFF//
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 16:36:23 +0000

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