RANT TIME: STOP WHINING ABOUT FACEBOOK MESSENGER AND ITS PERMISSIONS CLAUSE. I am so sick of seeing overreactions to ridiculous buzzwords privacy spying scary. ENOUUUUUUGH. What are you hiding? Are you that concerned that Facebook wants to know statistics on mobile data trends? Do you use public transportation? Ill bet that they take in usage data, but I dont see anybody up in arms about hopping on the train. Are you that EGOTISTICAL AND VAIN that you think some Facebook employee is sitting behind a computer looking SOLELY at YOUR phone usage and LOLing at your drunken party pics from last night? NO. NONONONONONO. The permissions are there for the app to ... wait for it... HELP YOU. DO YOU WANT TO SEND PICS TO FRIENDS? WELL OKAY WERE GOING TO BE CONSIDERATE ENOUGH TO ASK PERMISSION TO ACCESS PHOTOS AND THE CAMERA. WANT TO SEND A VOICE MESSAGE? WELL LOOKY THERE, PERMISSION TO USE A MICROPHONE. The bottom line is that you have elected to use a smartphone with corresponding smartphone technology. If you want to exist in a shady social corner for the rest of time thats fine. Dont download the app. But please PLEASE stop blindly posting alarmist stories that do nothing but spread fear, uncertainty, and doubt. ✌️
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 04:58:34 +0000

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